about myself

Steven Devijver steven.devijver at cmpmail.com
Wed May 31 07:36:12 CDT 2000

Hello PM-ers,

Here's a short introduction:  I'm 25, living in Bierbeek (near Louvain) and
working as system administrator at Lesire Software Engineering in Louvain.
The company I work has developped a C++/COM application engine for
e-commerce sites.  My job is internal support and maintenance of our server
park.  In the longer run, I'm looking for a job as support engineer in our
company, unless someone offers me a Perl job ofcourse ;)

I use Perl since two years or so, but I really started using it about 6
months ago, when I discovered the amasing features of object oriented Perl.
Don't ask me anything about regular expressions, because I don't know the
first thing about it, but I do know OO Perl, I love it.

Currently, I'm working on a publication/content management system to drive a
site of a couple of friends, which is completely written in Perl.  There's
still a lot of work to be done, but the basic datasource objects are in
place.  The system is currently only written for MS SQL, but any RDBMS can
be supported by implementing a few simple functions.

In my spare time I like to read and watch SF stuff on TV.  I also own a
bike, so I sometimes cruise thru the Ardennes on a sunny holiday.

Besides being a Perl adept, I'm also a Larry Wall fan.  Check out
http://use.perl.org/quotes.txt to see what I mean.


Steven Devijver
(steven.devijver at cmpmail.com)

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