Web site mastering.

Stephane Rondal rondal at usa.net
Tue Aug 8 00:47:11 CDT 2000

> We are inventive people. I'm willing to be webmaster for our site. I am
> webmaster of one other site.

Steven, thanks for having stepped forward.
On a first come, first served basis, you're now the
official Liege.pm webmaster.
I'll get back to you to give you the details of how to set up
our web site on pm.org (you'll need SSH).

> Although I suffer from a notorious lack of
> time, I have decided a long time ago that since this condition will never
> change, I might aswell not bother at all.

# hope this helps ;)
$steven->clone || ( $steven->eat( 'false' ) &&
$steven->sleep( 'no_more' ) );

> Were there already some things decided on what should go on the site and
> what the priorities are?
On the top of my head:
- The classical pages: 'who are we?', 'what do we do/plan to do?', 'what are
the perl mongers', ...
- A link to the mailing list, and how to subscribe, or even better, an
auto-(un)subscribe form.
- A link to the archiving site of the list.
- An introduction of the mongers of the group (that's us)
- Minutes of the past meetings
- Announcements of the next meetings

> I would be nice if we all could add to the dicussion on the basic site
> related stuff.
Of course. Feel free to do so, that's what the mailing list is for.


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