LPM: RE: "on break" processing in perl?

Janine janine at emazing.com
Tue Jan 23 14:23:15 CST 2001

Regarding Dave's reporting woes, here's my solution.  (In the real world I'd use fetchrow_array to populate %mdh, of course.)  

Steve, your program was much more Perlish than mine.  Thanks for posting it.



#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;    ## the brussel sprouts of Perl programming

my %mdh = ();  ## mdh = MultiDimensional Hash

$mdh{'CS101'}{'1'}{'000-00-1111'} = 1;
$mdh{'CS101'}{'1'}{'000-00-2222'} = 1;
$mdh{'CS101'}{'1'}{'000-00-3333'} = 1;
$mdh{'CS101'}{'2'}{'000-00-4444'} = 1;
$mdh{'CS101'}{'2'}{'000-00-5555'} = 1;
$mdh{'CS117'}{'1'}{'000-00-1111'} = 1;
$mdh{'CS117'}{'1'}{'000-00-9999'} = 1;

my $course;
my $section;
my $ssn;

my $buf_ssn;  ## temporary buffer for printing
my $buf_sec;  ## another print buffer - need one for each level of grouping except the outmost
my $section_tot = 0;
my $course_tot = 0;

foreach $course (sort keys %mdh) {
        print "Course $course: ";
        $course_tot = 0;
        $buf_sec = "";
        foreach $section (sort keys %{$mdh{$course}}) {
                $buf_sec .= "\tSection $section: ";
				$section_tot = 0;
				$buf_ssn = "";
                foreach $ssn (sort keys %{$mdh{$course}{$section}}) {
                        $buf_ssn .= "\t\t$ssn\n";
				$buf_sec .= "$section_tot students\n";
				$buf_sec .= $buf_ssn;
				$course_tot += $section_tot;
		print "$course_tot students\n";
		print $buf_sec;

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