LPM: Tuits needed

Rich Bowen rbowen at rcbowen.com
Sun Sep 24 22:00:04 CDT 2000

I have something on my to do list that has been there for about a month,
and I thought I'd throw it out there and see if someone else is
interested. What I want is pretty simple - I just lack tuits. I want a
Perl program (GD or ImageMajik or Imager or something else) that will
take command line arguments and generate a Perl Mongers announcement
poster (see http://lexington.pm.org/lpm_poster.gif for example) which
has the date, subject of discussion, and perhaps some other information.
Might be an entertaining project for someone new to GD (or whatever
other module you want to use for this). The problem I was having was
getting TrueType working for GD, and I just did not have the time to
work on it any more.


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