LPM: cool POD stuff

Rich Bowen rbowen at rcbowen.com
Sun Oct 1 20:20:33 CDT 2000

In the name of leraning cool new stuff, I have been poking around with
POD, and unearthed something that someone sent me back in June, and I
have never had a chance to look it. It's on CPAN, and is called, for
some reason that I've not yet been able to divine, Marek::Pod::HTML

It's a replacement for pod2html and podtohtml. It does the normal
pod->html conversion stuff, with some interesting changes

1) If you give it a directory to convert, it converts everything in that
directory, generates a TOC and an Index for all the .pod files in that

2) It actually supports the X<> tag. You can put stuff in X<> tags, and
it actually makes it into an index of the whole set of documents. This
is something that I've wanted for a while, and it turns out it's been
sitting in unread email for several months.

Anyways, thought you folks would like to know.


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