LPM: Text::Template and style sheets

David Hempy hempy at ket.org
Fri May 19 16:23:25 CDT 2000

At 05:21 PM 5/19/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Has anyone used Text::Template with a HTML template that has style sheet
>definitions in it? My style sheets are breaking because (I guess) 
>is trying to evaluate the stuff in the braces { style sheet stuff... }. Is 
>a way around this?
>Gregg Casillo

You can specify different delimiters for Test::Template:

$html = $template->fill_in(DELIMITERS => [ '<<', '>>' ]);

This will evaluate things like:

Your account is <<$late_days>> overdue.

You can use arbitrarily obscure delimiters to suit your needs, similar to 
here documents.


David Hempy
Internet Database Administrator
Kentucky Educational Television
<hempy at ket.org> -- (606)258-7164 -- (800)333-9764

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