LPM: lightweight TCP client

Matt Cashner sungo at earthling.net
Fri Mar 31 11:41:54 CST 2000

On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, Joe Hourcle wrote:

> For way too many years, I've been using hacks, (well, probably because I
> learned to do it that way), and making calls to 'lynx' or 'wget' to handle
> snarfing files through HTTP, but I want to correct my bad habits, and I
> wanted to know what other people suggested.
> Net::libnet comes close, as it implements SMTP, NNTP, FTP, etc, but not
> HTTP.  [not that I really need it to be fully aware, as I'll be generating
> te headers required, and handling the parsing myself.]

If you're trying to get web pages, LWP will probably do what you want.

use LWP::Simple;
my $page = get('http://slashdot.org');

cant get much easier than that :P as i recall LWP is part of the libwww

Matt Cashner
 sungo at earthling.net

"That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable."

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