LPM: File reading performance

David Hempy hempy at ket.org
Wed Jan 19 02:06:54 CST 2000

At 02:20 AM 1/19/2000 -0500, I wrote:
>I got impatient with the time required to read in a big (7 Mb) file into a
>scalar variable, so I did a little benchmarking on my code.  (I'm exposing
>myself before my peers, so be gentle...)
>When I started this project, I was reading 7 Kb files, and didn't have a
>care in the world.  (I'm sure the Perl wizards out there can see where this
>is going.)

I guess that wasn't very clear...at first, my input files were 7 Kb, and
all was cool.  It was when I started getting 7 Mb files that I became
interested in reading more efficiently.  All the numbers (90 seconds and 5
seconds) are on the 7 Mb files.


David Hempy
Internet Database Administrator
Kentucky Educational Television

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