LPM: ActiveState's PerlApp

Janine Ladick janine.ladick at fetterprinting.com
Tue Jan 11 12:57:12 CST 2000

> > Does anyone care to share a success (or failure) story or know of
> > ways other than PerlApp to create standalone Perl applications?
> The resulting exe is HUGE, but it seems to work just fine. It basically
> has the entire Perl runtime in it, as well as whatever modules you used.
> They had a free trial version for a while (not sure if they still have
> that) and you could use it 5 times, or something like that.

The trial last for 7 days, but they say you can continue downloading 
new keys until you've had enough fun for one lifetime and fork out 
the 95 bucks for a registered copy.

I suspected the .exes would be big.  :-)  Did they run any slower 
than the original script?


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