LPM: Today's meeting, and other stuff

David Hempy hempy at ket.org
Wed Jun 9 15:43:23 CDT 1999

At 03:39 PM 6/9/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Today's meeting was really good. Mik Firestone gave a very good talk
>about regex. Thanks, Mik.

Likewise...excellent job, Mik!  Thank you.

>2) It appears that I have volunteered to speak at the next PM meeting.
>The topics that I am thinging about are Modules (finding, installing,
>using, and writing them.), CGI (Subtitle: Why I don't 'use CGI.pm'), NT
>System administration with Perl (Subtitle: Making NT usable) or Stupid
>Perl Tricks (Schwartzian transforms, Orcish stuff, memoizing, and other
>cool toys). Please let me know if one of these appeals to you more than
>another, or I'll just decide by fipping a 4-sided coin.

They all sound good to me.  My order of preference, FWIW, would be NT; CGI;
Modules; SPT.  Looking forward to it.

>3) The hard one: Where and when to have the next meeting...<snip>
>...we might need
>to get a conferene room at someone's place of employment...

I would have no problem getting a suitable room here at KET nearly any time
of the week, complete with net access.  KET is located 1 block SE of UK
campus, next to LCC.  Of course, then I wouldn't get to leave work early
Friday afternoon...I guess sacrifices must be made...  ;-)


David Hempy
Internet Database Administrator
Kentucky Educational Television

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