LPM: regexp question

llang at baywestpaper.com llang at baywestpaper.com
Tue Dec 21 08:54:06 CST 1999

llang at baywestpaper.com wrote:
> #======================================
> $sent="This is a test of the first five words.";
> @s=split(/ /,$sent);
> pop(@s) while (@s>5);

Could potentially take a VERY long time. What if $sent is the complete
works of Shakespeare? Better to unshift for (1..5), I would think. Or
join @s[0..4]

> if (join(" ", at s) =~ /\bis|are\b/) {
>         print "Do stuff here...";
> }

Hmm. So combining yours and mine ...

if ( join " " (split (/\s+/, $sent, 5) ) ) =~ /\bis|are\b) {
           print "Do stuff here ... ";


I've been playing with the numeric as the third argument to  split  because
I've never seen it before.  My book has no mention of it.  (Guess I need a
bigger book  ;-)  )

       $sent="This is a test of the first five words.";
       @s=split(/ /,$sent,5);
       foreach (@s) {print;print"\n";}


       of the first five words.

The fifth element has everything from that point on.  (Might be a Win32-ism
versus other platforms, but I can't see why...)
So it should be pretty quick to change it to 6 and pop the last one off, no
matter what the size of $sent.  Or am I shootin' blanks?


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