[Leipzig-pm] Fwd: [pm_groups] YAPC::EU - Master classes - talks - hackathons

Steffen Winkler steffen at steffen-winkler.de
Sun May 3 11:14:07 PDT 2015

Hallo Perlmongers,

Gabor hat Recht. Wer es noch nicht gemacht hat, es wird Zeit, sich für 
die nächste YAPC anzumelden.
Ich komme seinem Wunsch nach und leite es Euch weiter.

Grüße von Steffen Winkler.

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	[pm_groups] YAPC::EU - Master classes - talks - hackathons
Datum: 	Sun, 3 May 2015 16:27:55 +0300
Von: 	Gabor Szabo <gabor at szabgab.com>
An: 	PM Groups <pm_groups at pm.org>


I have volunteered to do some PR for the upcoming YAPC::EU and I'd like 
to ask your help
to reach more people in the "near-by" Perl Monger groups. Please forward 
this mail
or an improved version of it to your PM group.

YAPC::EU is going to take place between 2-4 September 2015, in Granada, 
In addition to the 3 days of the conference, there are going to be a few 
master classes before the conference and possibly a few hackathons as 
well. (Depending on requests).

The current courses are listed here: http://act.yapc.eu/ye2015/courses.html
but there is still place for more courses. If you'd like to run one, 
submit your proposal now.

There are a number of talks already accepted 
http://act.yapc.eu/ye2015/talks , but there are many more slots open. 
Submit your talk now: http://act.yapc.eu/ye2015/newtalk

Latest news: http://act.yapc.eu/ye2015/news/1337

There is a mailings list for the conference attendees where people help 
each other finding hotels, things to do around Granada etc. It is also a 
good way to get news updates
on the conference. Subscribe to it here: 

Oh and don't for get to register for the conference itself:


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