[kw-pm] August: Cookout!

Daniel R. Allen da at coder.com
Fri Jul 18 18:44:33 CDT 2003

As discussed previously on this list, we're trying the experiment of
having social meetings in July and August, to try and combat summer-itis.

Last evening's experience would suggest some success at this; we got 7
bodies at Ethel's.

For August (Thursday the 21st), I offered up my place to have a BBQ.
(It will be a real BBQ if anybody brings a grill.  If not, we can
pretend and use the indoor stove.  Chris offered to bring a hibachi and
?Arguile? said he had something that was portable and grill-like.  It
turns out that I don't have one; I thought I did, but it's a camp-stove,
which is really lame for a BBQ.)

Whatever we want to call it, it's at my place.  Bring spouse, date, or
other friendly people.

More directions forthcoming, say, a week before the event.


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