[Kochi-pm] [Perlweekly] #178 - Outreach program for women

Gabor Szabo gabor at szabgab.com
Sun Dec 21 23:07:35 PST 2014

Perl Weekly 


You can read the newsletter on the web, if you prefer.


Olaf and the MetaCPAN project are taking on two more interns for the GNOME
outreach program for women. Thank you Olaf & Co.

The White Camel Awards for 2014 were announced this week, and I was

If you're celebrating any kind of holiday in the coming week, have a good

Editor #3, Neil


  We are Hiring a Senior Perl Software Developer - Grant Street Group
  We are a growing software company using open source software/modern Perl
  practices to build innovative e-payment, auction, and tax collection web
  applications. We are looking for talented, motivated professionals
  committed to flawless work and customer service.




  My Perl recruitment thoughts
  brian posted his thoughts on perl and recruitment, in response to Dave's
  post last week
  ("http://perlhacks.com/2014/12/perl-recruitment-thoughts/"). Hard to
  distil down to a pithy one-liner, but here's one good soundbite: "Pay
  doesn't matter if you suck".

  ZipRecruiter Wants You
  ZipRecruiter ("https://www.ziprecruiter.com") is a job board startup based
  in California, and they're looking for Perl developers. A few people you
  might have heard of already work / contract there, and they allow remote



CPAN news

  Matching regular expressions with events
  Pinkhas introduces his new module Regexp::SAR
  ("https://metacpan.org/pod/Regexp::SAR"), based on his own regexp engine,
  which lets him trigger events for multiple pattern matches. Written in

  Please Test Params::Validate 1.14
  Dave's released a trial version of Params::Validate
  ("https://metacpan.org/pod/Params::Validate"), which allows validation
  callbacks to die in order to provide a custom error message or exception
  object. If you use it, he'd like you to test this version and report any
  problems please. Fun in POD-land
  ("http://techblog.babyl.ca/entry/fun-with-pod") Yanick goes to town about
  his new craziness, Pod::Knit ("https://github.com/yanick/Pod-Knit"),
  which you can get from github for now. It involves pod, XML, sausages,
  knitting and dancing kittens. I made one of those up.

  NICEPERL's lists
  Miguel Prz (NICEPERL ("https://metacpan.org/author/NICEPERL"))'s regular
  lists: Great modules released last week
  last.html"); MetaCPAN weekly report
  ml"); StackOverflow Perl report




  The 2014 White Camel Awards
  The Perl Foundation has announced the recipients for the 15th year of the
  White Camel Awards: Amalia Pomian for Perl community, VM Brasseur for
  Perl user groups, and Neil Bowers for Perl advocacy. Congratulations to
  Amalia and VM!

  MetaCPAN Welcomes our Newest OPfW Interns
  The MetaCPAN project is taking on two interns, Rose Ames
  ("https://github.com/rose") and Andreea Pirvulescu
  ("https://github.com/andreeap"), as part of the GNOME outreach program
  for women ("http://gnome.org/opw/").

  Implementing web data services
  Michael McClennen gave a talk at MadMongers last week, about implementing
  web data services in Perl.




  A Note About Parsing Graphviz DOT files
  Ron has released new versions of his GraphViz2::Marpa
  ("https://metacpan.org/pod/GraphViz2::Marpa") and
  ("https://metacpan.org/pod/GraphViz2::Marpa::PathUtils") modules.
  Graphviz ("http://graphviz.org") is the most widely used toolkit for
  displaying directed graphs, and Marpa::R2
  ("https://metacpan.org/pod/Marpa::R2") is a modern parsing toolkit for

  CPAN Testers from Github?
  brian would like to see the love child of Travis and CPAN Testers: getting
  CPAN Testers results when you push a new version of your distribution to

  Perl/Tk Spreadsheet Editor
  Alex is trying to create an Excel-style spreadsheet in Perl/Tk, and wonders
  if anyone else has tried such a thing.

  When bits don't stick
  Sinan presents more portability bugs he's found in Perl modules, and
  promises he'll submit patches.

  A Hackerspace Webcam
  Setting up a hackerspace webcam using a RaspberryPi and Perl.




  YAPC::NA 2015 Call for papers
  YAPC::NA 2015 is in Salt Lake City, and the call for papers is now open.
  Your deadline is January 15th.

  Saint Perl 6 Hack Day wrap-up
  brian's notes from the hack day before Saint Perl
  ("http://event.yapcrussia.org/saintperl6/"). Note: brian's post isn't in
  Russian, but that other page is.



Web frameworks

  Thank You, Glen Hinkle!
  This is a great blog post. Enkidu shares his enthusiasm for learning about
  Mojolicious ("https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious") from Glen Hinkle
  ("https://metacpan.org/author/TEMPIRE")'s Mojocasts
  ("http://mojocasts.com/e5"). What in the Perl world makes you happy? 
  Blog about it!

  New Dancer2 release
  In addition to all his advent posts, Sawyer announced a new release of
  Dancer 2. I'm starting to suspect that Sawyer is the name of a collective
  in Amsterdam.




  Inline Grant Weekly Report #9
  David and INGY have been wrapping up their work on the Inline grant.
  Inline::CPP ("https://metacpan.org/pod/Inline::CPP") support is now
  working well across varied platforms, Module::Build
  ("https://metacpan.org/pod/Module::Build") based distributions are now
  supported, and a lot of testing/debugging has taken place.

  Maintaining the Perl 5 Core
  Dave Mitchell's monthly report for his work on the Perl 5 core, funded by a
  grant. The main item of note was his awesome work on a benchmarking tool



Advent Calendars

  The Perl 5 Advent Calendar
  A range of topics, and not just from Mark: MetaCPAN::Client
  ("http://perladvent.org/2014/2014-12-15.html"), Code::TidyAll
  ("http://perladvent.org/2014/2014-12-16.html"), Test::Requires
  ("http://perladvent.org/2014/2014-12-17.html"), Data::ICal::DateTime
  ("http://perladvent.org/2014/2014-12-18.html"), Capture::Tiny
  ("http://perladvent.org/2014/2014-12-19.html"), Struct::Dumb
  ("http://perladvent.org/2014/2014-12-20.html"), App::ack

  The Perl 6 Advent Calendar
  Quoting on Steroids
  Three strange loops
  "), MoarVM Internals for the Brave (and Curious)
  ave-and-curious/"), Snow white and the seven conditionals
  even-conditionals/"), Helping Santa with Roles
  ("http://perl6advent.wordpress.com/2014/12/20/perl6-roles/"), Community
  smoke testing
  ing/"). Bioinformatics and the joy of Perl 6

  Catalyst Advent Calendar
  Seven more articles on the Catalyst web framework: Porting Reddit's URL
  Structure to Catalyst Using Chaining
  ("http://www.catalystframework.org/calendar/2014/15"), Instant database
  admin tool with RapidApp and rdbic.pl
  ("http://www.catalystframework.org/calendar/2014/16"), The
  Plack::App::RapidApp::rDbic interface to RapidApp
  ("http://www.catalystframework.org/calendar/2014/17"), Redispatching to a
  public path ("http://www.catalystframework.org/calendar/2014/18"),
  Another Take on redispatching
  ("http://www.catalystframework.org/calendar/2014/19"), Application-wide
  access to the context ($c) for the impatient
  ("http://www.catalystframework.org/calendar/2014/20"), The Future of
  Catalyst, or the Fifty Year Framework

  Dancer Advent Calendar
  Seven more articles from Sawyer on the Dancer web framework: Outreach
  Program for Women (OPW) and Dancer
  ("http://advent.perldancer.org/2014/15"), Command line dancing
  ("http://advent.perldancer.org/2014/16"), Hidden feature: Auto Pages
  ("http://advent.perldancer.org/2014/17"), The method of the setup method
  ("http://advent.perldancer.org/2014/18"), Authentication for the masses
  ("http://advent.perldancer.org/2014/19"), Meddling with Middlewares
  ("http://advent.perldancer.org/2014/20"), Middlewared Dancer: our usage
  of middlewares ("http://advent.perldancer.org/2014/21").

  Five more mini reviews from Matt Trout: Distribution building
  ("http://shadow.cat/blog/matt-s-trout/mstpan-11/"), Object orientation
  ("http://shadow.cat/blog/matt-s-trout/mstpan-12/"), SOAP
  ("http://shadow.cat/blog/matt-s-trout/mstpan-13/"), Exporting
  ("http://shadow.cat/blog/matt-s-trout/mstpan-14/"), Email

  Perlancar's advent calendar
  Seven more of Perlancar's modules released in 2014: App::shcompgen
  ion-setup-seamless-for-users-appshcompgen.html"), Proc::Find
  xistence-and-listing-processes-procfind.html"), File::Unsaved
  iles-fileunsaved.html"), App::plstrace
  programs-execution-appplstrace.html"), Test::WithDB
  bases-testwithdb.html"), String::Wildcard::Bash



Perl Maven Tutorials

  PSGI the superglue between Perl web application frameworks and web servers
  A collection of Perl Maven articles about PSGI, the interface for writing
  modern web applications in Perl.

  How to set default values in Perl
  Do you know how to give a default value to a scalar variable? What about a



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