[Kc] Meeting Minutes: 2003_02_11

Frank Wiles frank at wiles.org
Wed Feb 12 11:20:13 CST 2003

 .------[ Garrett Goebel wrote (2003/02/12 at 10:46:09) ]------
 |  Michael Morgan mentioned an interesting problem which I urged him to present
 |  on the list. But now that I've brought it up, I'll go ahead and beat him to
 |  it. The question was how to write a script which will read in a list of all
 |  image files in a particular directory, rename them using an ordered sequence
 |  of 1.jpg .. 10.jpg, and resize each image to 640x480. It sounds like a
 |  problem many of us have faced at one time or another. If anyone would like
 |  to post partial or complete solutions to the list, I and I'm sure Michael
 |  would appreciate it.

    This script assumes a Unix system, the existence of Image Magick
    in the path, and working only with JPG files.  Modifying it for
    other setups shouldn't be hard. 

    Also, I took into account the case of wanting to move images that
    already had <number>.jpg names by renaming the original to 
    <number>.jpg.orig and the making the resized version normally as

    The Image Magick options are pretty self explanatory, but here they

    -size 640x480 gives it a hint that the final product will be this
    size, which supposedly speeds it up 

    <original filename> 

    -resize 640x480 tell it to resize to the given size

    <new filename> 

    My script should be used like so: 

    script.pl /path/to/convert/ 
    script.pl --directory=/path/to/convert 
    script.pl --start=415 /path/to/convert
    script.pl --start=415 --directory=/path/to/convert 

    You can call it with just a directory to start sequencing at 1 or
    set the sequence start number with the --start option.  --directory
    is just there because it was easy to do. :) 

    Hope this helps let me know if you have any questions about it. 

    Script follows, tested as well as I could on my system. 

   Frank Wiles <frank at wiles.org>


use strict; 
use Getopt::Long; 

# Variables 
my $directory; 	    # Directory to work on 
my $start_seq = 1;  # Number to start sequence at ( defaults to 1 )

my @files;			# Array to hold original file names 

# Begin Main Execution 

# Parse commandline options 
			'start=i'		=>	\$start_seq,
			'directory=s' 	=>	\$directory

# Handle case of script.pl <directory> 
if( scalar(@ARGV) == 1 ) { 
	$directory = $ARGV[0]; 

opendir( DIR, $directory ) or die "Cannot open directory '$directory': $!\n"; 

# Loop on all the files in here 
while( my $f = readdir(DIR) ) { 
	next if $f =~ /^\./; 		# Skip hidden files 
	next if $f !~ /\.jpg$/;		# Skip non JPEG files 

	push(@files, $f); 


# Process each file 
my $seq = $start_seq; 
foreach my $f ( @files ) { 
	# Handle already existing <number>.jpg
	if( -e "$directory/$seq.jpg" ) { 
			rename("$directory/$seq.jpg", "$directory/$seq.jpg.orig"); 
			$f = "$seq.jpg.orig"; 
	# Actually convert the images using Image Magick
	`convert -size 640x480 $directory/$f -resize 640x480 $directory/$seq.jpg`; 

	# Increment the sequence 

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