[Jax.PM] child proc output

Nate Campi nate at campin.net
Wed Oct 9 09:18:23 CDT 2002

On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 10:11:38AM -0400, J Proctor wrote:
> In the bigger picture, it's difficult to imagine what could corrupt the
> counter file under those circumstances, unless (a) the time interval is so
> short it's stepping on itself, or (b) you've got multiple things trying to
> use the data, and your system doesn't do file locking in any sane way.
> That would be most of them, by the way.  If you have multiple processes
> that need to get at them, you might be better off stuffing the numbers in
> a database somewhere.

I didn't seek/rewind the file after reading it, causing file corruption
from just the one process with the lock. I'll worry about the weird lack
of debugging output in the child later, it's not pressing.

Thanks guys.

OBTW, this is solaris 8 sparc it's running on. Does file locking behave
properly on this platform?
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