[JaxPM] Perl Code - RFC

JONES, WILLIAM C wcjones at exchange.fccj.org
Fri Dec 8 09:22:31 CST 2000

On the jacksonville-pm-list; Jax.PM'er "JONES, WILLIAM C" <wcjones at exchange.fccj.org> wrote -

Re below code - Current Jax.PM member thoughts would be most appreciated  :)


PS - May need to fix e-mail formatting errors - 
sorry about that in advance (Outlook via web sux.)

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use diagnostics;


my $ctr;
my $erc;
my $partA;
my $partB;
my $dir;
my $filename;
my $letter;
my $rawname;
my $lineOne;
my $lineTwo;

#########  Phase I Processing... #########
########## Process Cooked file data now...

open (RFILE, "<CD.raw") or die "\n\nCan't open CD.raw for reading: $!\n\n";
open (NFILE, ">CD.Cooked") or die "\n\nCan't open CD.Cooked for writing:
while (<RFILE>) {

  $ctr++;    # Count lines read...
  s/\n/ /;   # newline to space...
  s/^\s+//;  # compress leading whitespace...
  s/\s+$//;  # compress trailing whitespace...
  next unless length; # anything to process?

  # Groups
  if (/^\D{3,4}\s{1}\-/) {
     print NFILE "\n\n$_ ";

  # Course Numbers
  if (/^\D{3,4} (\d{4}(\D)?|XXXX)/) {
     print NFILE "\n\n$_ ";

  # Credit Hours
  if (/^\d{1} Credit/) {
     print NFILE " $_\n ";

  # Everything else...
  print NFILE " $_ ";

} # end while loop

close (RFILE) or die "\n\nCan't close CD.raw: $!\n\n";
close (NFILE) or die "\n\nCan't close CD.Cooked: $!\n\n";
print "\nProcessed $ctr lines...\n\n";

#########  Phase II Processing... ########
########## Process Cooked file data now...
$ctr = 0;

open (NFILE, "<CD.Cooked") or die "\n\nCan't open CD.Cooked: $!\n\n";

while (<NFILE>) {

  $ctr++;    # Count lines read...

  s/^\s+//;  # compress leading whitespace...
  s/\s+$//;  # compress trailing whitespace...
  next unless length; # anything to process?

  # Groups
  if (/^\D{3,4}\s{1}\-/) {
     /^[A-Z]{3,4}/; $dir = $&;
     next if (-d $dir);

     $erc = system("mkdir $dir") / 256 unless (-d $dir);
     die "$! : $erc during create on $dir..." if ($erc);

     $letter = substr($dir,0,1);
     $erc = system("mkdir $letter") / 256 unless (-d $letter);
     die "$! : $erc during create on $letter..." if ($erc);

  # Course Numbers
  if (/^\D{3,4} (\d{4}(\D)?|XXXX)/) {
     $lineOne = $_;

     /^[A-Z]{3,4}/;       $partA = $&;

     /(\d{4}(\D)?|XXXX)/; $partB = $&;

     $filename = $partA . $partB . ".html";
     $rawname  = $partA . $partB;
     $filename =~ s/\s//;
     $rawname  =~ s/\s//;

     print "Working on both $rawname \& $filename\n";

     if (-e "$dir/$filename") {
       print "WARNING: $dir/$filename duplicate; renaming to $dir/X$filename
... \n";
       $filename = 'X' . $filename;

     if (-e "$dir/$rawname") {
       print "WARNING: $dir/$rawname duplicate; renaming to $dir/X$rawname
... \n";
       $rawname  = 'X' . $rawname;

       open (OFILE, ">$dir/$filename") or die "$! while trying
       open (IFILE, ">$dir/$rawname") or die "$! while trying

     $erc = system("cd $letter && ln -s ../$dir/$filename .") / 256 unless
(-e "$letter/$filename");
     die "FATAL: $! : $erc during link on $letter/$filename..." if ($erc);

     $erc = system("cd $letter && ln -s ../$dir/$rawname .") / 256 unless
(-e "$letter/$rawname");
     die "FATAL: $! : $erc during link on $letter/$rawname..." if ($erc);

     print OFILE "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>FCCJ Course Description:
                  <META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html;
                  <BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\" TEXT=\"#000000\"
LINK=\"#006699\" VLINK=\"#009933\" ALINK=\"#999999\">
                  <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\"> <!-- Begin
                  if (window != top) top.location.href = location.href; //
End -->
                  </SCRIPT><IMG SRC=\"http://www.fccj.org/logo.gif\"
WIDTH=\"101\" HEIGHT=\"144\">
                  <FONT SIZE=\"4\" COLOR=\"#000000\"
FACE=\"sans-serif\">College Credit Course Description: $rawname</FONT>
                  <HR NOSHADE SIZE=\"1\" WIDTH=\"100%\">
                  <P STYLE=\"face:monospace, fixed, sans-serif; size:14pt;
bgcolor: white; color: \"#006699\"; !important\">
                  &nbsp;<BR><UL><FONT SIZE=+1 FACE=monospace
     print IFILE "$lineOne\n";
  } else {
     $lineTwo = $_;

     print OFILE "<LI><FONT SIZE=+0 FACE=sans-serif
     print IFILE "$lineTwo\n";

} # end while loop

close (NFILE) or die "\n\nFATAL: Can't close source file: $!\n\n";
close (IFILE) or die "\n\nFATAL:   Can't close html file: $!\n\n";
close (OFILE) or die "\n\nFATAL:   Can't close text file: $!\n\n";

print "\nProcessed $ctr lines...\n\nCreating symbolic file and directory
links, please wait...\n\n";

#########  Phase III Processing... #######
########## Process Cooked file data now...

# Make ln -s Directory links from Uppercase to Lowercase...
# -Sneex-  :]

$ctr = 0;
my $pwd = `pwd`;

opendir TARGETDIR, "." or die "FATAL: Can't open $pwd : $! ";
my @dir = grep !/^\./, readdir TARGETDIR;
closedir TARGETDIR;

foreach (@dir) {
       s/\s//; # Should not be any spaces in these dir names...

       next if (/\.(\.)?/); # Is it a file with dots in it?
#       next if (-f $_);     # or is it a plain old file?

       print "Working on $_ \n" unless (-f $_);
       my $lc = lc($_); $ctr++;
       $erc = system("ln -s $_ $lc") / 256;
       die "FATAL: $erc $! $? error occurred...\n" if $erc;

print "\nProcessed $ctr directory links...\n\nDone!\n\n";


Any project notes go here...

Jax.PM Moderator's Note:
This message was posted to the Jacksonville Perl Monger's Group listserv.
The group manager can be reached at -- owner-jacksonville-pm-list at pm.org
to whom send all praises, complaints, or comments...

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