[pm-h] Disabling the Close Window X

Fraser Baker flbaker at sbcglobal.net
Mon Nov 17 07:43:19 PST 2014



Getting the Client Computer Name or any other identifying feature is
difficult. The Fingerprint idea may be defeated by updating a browser
plugin. I am now working to control my Event Notification page using links
in the page, but this can be defeated if the user closes the page using the
Close Window X.


I am able to trap this action using Javascript but can't get it to do what I


It appears that Perl can redraw the title bar without the X. I have tried a
couple of examples but can't get this to work either. The shortest code is
below. This is inserted into my page at the beginning. Any thoughts?


use Tk;

my $main=MainWindow->new();
my $quit=$main->Button(-text=>"Exit",-command=>sub




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