[pm-h] Meeting Reminder

Mike Flannigan mikeflan at earthlink.net
Thu Feb 16 06:23:34 PST 2006

"G. Wade Johnson" wrote:

> At a glance, I'd say you could replace the 'local's with 'my' variables. Using
> 'my' or lexical variables is usually considered safer than 'local's.
> Using File::Spec to manipulate filenames is cleaner and makes your code
> portable to other OSs.
> Of course, File::Find is a great module for doing the recursing file thing.
> See below for additional comments.


> > {
> >         local ( $dirname ) = @_;
>   # This is pretty much the standard idiom for getting subroutine parameters.
>           my $dirname = shift;
> >         local ( @entries , $entry , $path , @dirs_list , $dircount , @files
> >         );
> >
> If you are using a modern Perl, it's better to use 'my $dir' in place of DIR
> in the opendir() and $dir everywhere else you use DIR.
> >         if ( ! opendir(DIR,$dirname) ) {


> >                 $dircount += &search_dir($dirname."\\".$entry);
> You don't need the '&' anymore.


> >
> > #        print  "Directories under \"$dirname\"\n";
> To save yourself from the backslashes I prefer qq{} when I need quotes in a
> string.
>   #       print qq{Directories under "$dirname"\n};
> >         $count = &search_dir($dirname);
> You don't need the '&' anymore.
> >         print "\n";

Thanks a bunch Wade.  Now I understand the code
much better.  I didn't realize until now that this code
was not using File::Find.  I guess maybe it borrows
some code from the module - maybe.

I finally got 'use strict' in there.  This is the first I have
tried to get 'use strict' in there.

I guess I should use the 'my's throughout each section
of code, but I put most of the variable as globals.
More work to do later.

Here is what I ended up with so far:

use English;
use strict;
use warnings;

my ($sizemax, $countnum, $pathren, $filename, $filenameren, $len, $renfull, $dir);

print "\n";

sub search_dir
        my $dirname = shift;
        my ( @entries, $entry, $path, @dirs_list, $dircount, @files );

        if ( ! opendir($dir,$dirname) ) {
                print STDERR "opendir failed for \"$dirname\" : $!\n";
                return 0;
        } # IF
        @entries = readdir $dir;
        closedir $dir;

        @dirs_list = ();
        @files = ();
        $dircount = 0;
        foreach $entry ( @entries ) {
                next if ($entry =~ /\.sys/);
                if ( $entry eq "." || $entry eq ".." ) {
                } # IF
                $path = sprintf "%s\\%s",$dirname,$entry;
                if ( -d $path && $entry ne "." && $entry ne ".." ) {
                        $dircount += 1;
                } # IF
                else {
                        $path =~ s#C:/Copy2/\\#C:\\Copy2\\#i;
                        $path =~ m#(C:\\Copy2\\.*\\)(.*)#i;
                        $pathren = $1 if ($1);
                        $filename = $2 if ($2);
                        if (length $filename > $sizemax) {
                            $countnum = sprintf("%06d", $countnum);
                            $len = $sizemax - 10;
                            ($filenameren = $filename) =~
       $renfull = $pathren . $filenameren;
                            rename $path, $renfull;

                } # ELSE
        } # FOREACH
        if ( 0 < @files ) {
                print "\n";
                foreach ( @files ) {
                        print "$_\n";
                } # FOREACH
        } # IF
        foreach $entry ( @dirs_list ) {
                $dircount += search_dir($dirname."\\".$entry);
        } # FOREACH;
        return $dircount;
} # end of search_dir

        my ($dirname, $count);
        $dirname = 'C:/Copy2/';

        $sizemax = 60;
        $sizemax += 4;

        $countnum = 0;

#        print  qq{Directories under "$dirname"\n};
        $count = search_dir($dirname);
        print "\n";
        print  "\n$count total directories\n";
        exit 0;
} # end of MAIN


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