[Hartford-pm] Re: [Boston.pm] Help using LWP to change password Q's?

Gyepi SAM gyepi at praxis-sw.com
Tue Aug 24 11:25:43 CDT 2004

On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 10:42:32AM -0400, Bob Mariotti wrote:
> Q: How does the "submit" button interrelate with the "next" URL?
> Example:
> Initial https connect to specified page : 
> https://xxx.yyy.com/ssp/jsp/blah.jsp

The submit button causes your browser to submit the contents of the form
using the specified method (post or get). to the specified action URL.
Since the action URL in this case is not qualified, a "smart" browser will
prepend the base URL (in this case https://xxx.yyy.com/ssp/jsp)
to the value of the action attribute and send the response, in this case, to
https://xxx.yyy.com/ssp/jsp/ABC123. Note that since
the action tag should either be fully qualified (begin with http or https) or
be relative (begin with '/'). Neither is true in this case, so the browser has
to figure out what to do. 

> Assuming the response is true... must the programmer alter the URL for 
> the POST operation at all?  Or will LWP and/or HTTP take care of 
> manipulating the URL in combination with the ACTION value?

Since you're writing the "browser", you may need to append the value of the
action attribute to the base URL and post the response there.


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