
Joel Meulenberg joelmeulenberg at
Sat Jul 13 01:36:27 CDT 2002

> So, someone came over here to pick up the tape.
> Because I was in the Employee Orientation,
> I left the tape with the receptionist.
> Only, SHE went to the employee orientation about
> 15 minutes later.

Yes, specifically, I recruited Keith Brunsting
because, being a former McGraw Hill employee, he
has specific knowledge of the McGraw Hill offices.
(Actually, I tried to get Paul Tjapkes for the
same reason, but he had some wimpy excuse like
needing to productionalize a completely revamped
Priority Health web site with new interactive
services or something like that - whatever. ; ) )

After rifling through every container he could find
in your cube (while you were away "being sold" to
another company), Keith gave up and returned to the
car, which I kept running at the curb out in
front of the 99 Monroe building for a quick escape.

I didn't mind waiting while Keith ransacked your cube
and lifted a few McGraw Hill laptops that were lying
around (oops, did my fingers type that thought?) because,
outside, I was watching the show as everyone evacuated
downtown G.R. buildings due to a gas main leak.
Oh, and I took a few moments to inflate a slowly-leaking
tire with my portable air compressor.
So, taking into account the auto maintenance and the new
laptops, I'd say the trip was a great success.
(OK, OK, that's all true *except* for the laptops.)

> So, do you guys want to wait an entire month until
> the next meeting, or just call it a do-over and have
> one sooner?

Well, we've gone this far into July, so I guess I'd
vote for just doing the video at the normally 
scheduled July meeting (on the 26th).


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