Meeting This Friday, October 27th @ 11:30am

Joel Meulenberg joelmeulenberg at
Sun Oct 22 17:12:48 CDT 2000

I haven't been able to confirm the meeting room yet, but you'll hear
soon after I do.  If you don't know how to get to Priority Health,
there's a map at the site here:

This is gonna be a BYOL - Bring Your Own Lunch - meeting.  Worst case:
If you happen to forget about lunch until you're at Priority's
doorstep, you can always grab something from the Red Hot Greasy Spoon
next door.

Here's the agenda:

    if ($restaurant eq 'Red Hot Greasy Spoon') {
        &also_pick_up_Pepto_Bismol() or &HARF();

my ($hour, $minute);
do {
    ($hour, $minute) = (localtime(time))[1,2];
} until $hour * 60 + $minute == 11 * 60 + 30;  # Until 11:30am

# 1.
&Introductions() if $necessary;

# 2.
&Lending_Library(-punishment_for_not_returning_books => 'Forced to
write parsers in Visual Basic');

# 3.
&Presentation(-title    => 'Little Brother'
             ,-speaker  => 'Steve Johnson'
             ,-description => 'Little Brother is a TCP/IP service
monitoring program written in perl.  It reads a configuration file
telling what devices to test and what tests are to be done.  The
resulting output is a static HTML page with a matrix of tested systems
and test results that is placed on a web server for presentation each
time the test cycle is run.  Services tested include connectivity
(PING), HTTP, SMTP, POP3, etc.  Test responses are logged and under
error conditions, an email or page can be sent.'

# 4.
Due to Turkey Day, I'm proposing that November's Meeting be held on
Friday, December 1st, rather than Friday, November 24th.  Sound OK?

What about December's meeting?  We're open to suggestions.

# 5.

See you at our next invocation!


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