FW: O'Reilly Launches WebBoard 4, Windows Editon for Oracle 8i
Brandon Gohsman
brandon at squareonedesign.com
Fri Aug 25 09:52:11 CDT 2000
-----Original Message-----
From: Denise Olliffe [mailto:deniseo at oreilly.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 6:30 PM
To: brandon at squareonedesign.com
Subject: O'Reilly Launches WebBoard 4, Windows Editon for Oracle 8i
deniseo at oreilly.com or 707.829.0515 x 339
Enterprise Forums Software Developed To Support Oracle Database Customers
Sebastopol, CA--O'Reilly extends its widely acclaimed WebBoard 4,
forums and chat Windows software, to support Oracle8 and Oracle8i
enterprise database users. According to Software Product Manager Lisa
Henning, "WebBoard 4, Windows Edition for Oracle 8/8i was developed to
meet the unique demands of enterprise Oracle users. Judging from the
reaction of Beta testers, users of the Oracle version of WebBoard are
going to be very pleased."
Since 1996, WebBoard has provided a cost-effective, powerful solution
for web-based community building, communication and collaboration.
Utilizing WebBoard, Oracle users can now host online community or
workgroup forums in conjunction with their Oracle databases. WebBoard
provides corporations, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and
educational institutions ease of interacting and communicating both
internally and externally.
WebBoard builds on O'Reilly's long history of providing the highest
quality products to its customers with significant product features
like: straightforward remote administration, ease-of-use for end-users,
IRC chat for 1,000 simultaneous users, the ability to participate in
online conferences via email and NNTP, and simple interface
customization. WebBoard also includes substantial printed
documentation-a hallmark of all O'Reilly software products.
Sam Johnston, director of Far Edge Technology, integrated WebBoard with
MS Site Server. He boasts of WebBoard's powerful functionality by
providing a satisfied client as an example: "Fairfax is one of
Australia's largest media companies and uses WebBoard for many of its
sites, including 'BackChat' for the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper
(http://www.smh.com.au), 'Between the Posts' for Rugby Heaven
(http://www.rugbyheaven.com.au), 'My Career'
(http://www.mycareer.com.au) and SportsToday
WebBoard customers eagerly anticipate the release of WebBoard 4 for
Oracle 8/8i database users. "We're fervent WebBoard users, and are
really excited to learn that WebBoard works with Oracle 8/8i databases.
WebBoard is a great communication tool; it's easy to use, has tons of
features, and offers strong scalability. Now that it runs on an Oracle
platform, it becomes an even more powerful application for us and for
our clients," Johnston exclaimed.
WebBoard 4, Windows Edition for Oracle 8/8i, benefits incorporate:
Extensive Customization. Open Scripting integrates popular
scripting languages like JavaScript, PerlScript and VBScript.
Custom Schemes are pre-defined color and graphic styles that
let web administrators and board managers change the look of
their boards with a few mouse clicks.
Choice of four communication approaches. With WebBoard you can
read and post messages using email, your favorite newsreader,
web-based chat (synchronous), and web-based forums
Redundancy. A single copy of WebBoard can live on multiple
Expanded user features. Attention: Messaging lets end-users
direct other users' attention to specific messages.
WebBoard's large and enthusiastic user base continues to expand. This
innovative move to support another significant database platform, will
serve to further increase WebBoard's prominence in the industry. As
InfoWorld Reporter Andre Kvitka stated in his review of WebBoard 4, "If
you are thinking about deploying a web forum and chat server for your
intranet or Internet site, I would recommend WebBoard. WebBoard 4 is a
great way to nurture discussions and create communities."
More information is available at http://webboard.oreilly.com.
# # #
WebBoard 4, Windows Edition for Oracle 8/8i
464 pages of documentation
order at oreilly.com
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