Can you help verify italian holidays for Date::Calc?

Michele Beltrame mb at
Thu Apr 12 02:40:37 CDT 2001


I don't know if anybody already replied, but here are the holidays I could
get from the Barbanera 2001 calendar (which come with north-eastern newspaper
"Il Gazzettino".

All these holidays are full holidays:

Jan 1: Capodanno
Jan 6: Epifania
Pasqua (=Easter)
Lunedi' dell'Angelo (AKA Pasquetta, this is the day after Easter)
Apr 25: Anniversario della Liberazione d'Italia (=Italy made free, in 1945)
May 1: Festa del Lavoro (=Worker's holiday)
Aug 15: Ferragosto
Nov 1: Tutti i Santi (=All Saints)
Dec 8: Immacolata Concezione
Dec 25: Natale (=Christmas)
Dec 26: S. Stefano (=St. Stephan)

As far as I know there's only one "school holiday" (which by the way is
not observed by all schools), and it's on the last day of Carnival, which
is always a Tuesday and I think is 40 days before Easter.

Hope this helps.


Michele Beltrame
mb at
ICQ# 76660101

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