Can you help verify italian holidays for Date::Calc?

Steffen Beyer sb at
Wed Apr 11 04:29:50 CDT 2001

Dear Italian Perl Mongers,

I am currently working on the next release (version 5.0) of my module
"Date::Calc", which will be able to perform date calculations which
take holidays into consideration.

Therefore, I would like to provide calendar profiles for as many countries
as possible, including Italy.

I'm not sure if I implemented the Italian holidays in the correct way,
and in any case, I'll need translations into Italian.

I'm not only interested in official holidays (work is suspended), but
also in purely commemorative days (or days when schools close).

Can you provide any insights, corrections or additions?

Any help is most welcome!

Most of all, I need formulas for the calculation of all moving

Those which depend on the date of (western) Easter are no problem,
as my program can already handle that (see below).

Can you please also forward this message to your Perl Monger mailing lists,
as well as any acquaintances or friends who might be able to help?

Many thanks in advance!

Here are the Italian holidays I have so far:

#$Profiles->{'IT'} = # Italia
#    "New Year"                  => "01.01.",
#    "Three Kings"               => "06.01.",
#    "Joseph's Day"              => "19.03.",
#    "Easter Sunday"             => "+0",
#    "Easter Monday"             => "+1",
#    "Day of Liberation"         => "25.04.",
#    "Labour Day"                => "01.05.",
#    "Whitsunday"                => "+49",
#    "Peter and Paul"            => "#29.06.", # only regional holiday
#    "Ascension of Maria"        => "15.08.",
#    "All Saints"                => "01.11.",
#    "Conception of Maria"       => "08.12.",
#    "1. Christmas Day"          => "25.12.",
#    "2. Christmas Day"          => "26.12."

Please also check whether a day is an official holiday, or
just a commemorative day (nobody gets a day off), or a school
holiday (only schools close).

Again, many thanks in advance for your precious help!

Best regards,
    Steffen Beyer <sb at> (Who am I) (Fotos Brasil, USA, ...) (Free Perl and C Software)

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