[Fleet-pm] First Mongers of 2016!

James Raspass jraspass at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 01:17:40 PST 2016

Tomorrow will be Perl Mongers in the usual place, The Station.

There's been a bit of Perl news since we last met:

Perl 6, the spec, finally shipped. With latest version of Rakudo
implementing Perl 6.c quite well, albeit slowly :-(

There was a blog post about a possible business case for P6 -

Over in Perl 5 land, Dave Mitchell has proposed a patchset to massively
speed up scope and sub entry -
http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5.porters/2016/01/msg233631.html .

The email is a little technical but the upshot is, if this patchset was to
be merged, Perl 5.24 would be 40% faster at entering a scope, think
if/do/etc, and 23% faster at entering a sub.

I think Yves sums it up best with the following quote:

This is a really nice improvement. One of my pet peeves about Perl is
> that properly modularized code is slow. Any patch which reduces the
> cost of calling a sub is a good thing in my book. Ones that come with
> implementation documentation are even better. :-)
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