[Edinburgh-pm] New open-tech lighting-talks meetup

Miles Gould miles at assyrian.org.uk
Thu Feb 10 03:49:48 PST 2022

*tap tap* this thing still on?

A couple of friends and I are trying to put together an evening of
five-minute lightning talks for early March, to be hosted in Codebase (and
streamed online, but we really want to make it an in-person event like in
the Before Times insofar as possible). We're soliciting talks on open tech,
defined very broadly: if there's a cool open-source project you want to
show off, or open data source that people might find useful, or some aspect
of licensing that isn't widely understood, or - you get the idea - then
we'd love to hear about it! It doesn't have to be something you've worked
on personally, it's fine if it only runs on Windows/AWS/other proprietary
platform, it just needs to be open in some way. If the first night goes
well, we're hoping to make it a monthly event, maybe mixing up lightning
talks with some longer ones.

So, two questions:
 - Are you interested in attending such an event? (in-person or virtually)
 - Are you interested in giving a talk?

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