[Dahut-pm] Intro to Moose Training at YAPC::NA

Chris Prather chris at prather.org
Thu May 26 22:31:25 PDT 2011

Registration is now open for the Introduction to Moose class by Dave Rolsky.
This is an excellent class and highly recommended if you are just getting your
feet wet with Moose. The cost is $140[^1] USD which is rock bottom for
corporate training.

Dave's description:

> Join us for an interactive hands-on course all about Moose, an OO system for
> Perl 5 that provides a simple declarative layer of "sugar" on top of a
> powerful, extensible meta-model.
> With Moose, simple classes can be created without writing any subroutines, and
> complex classes can be simplified. Moose's features include a powerful
> attribute declaration system, type constraints and coercions, method modifiers
> ("before", "after", and "around"), a role system (like mixins on steroids),
> and more. Moose also has a vibrant ecosystem of extensions as seen in the
> variety of MooseX:: modules on CPAN.
> This course will cover Moose's core features, dip a toe into the meta-model,
> and explore some of the more powerful MooseX:: modules available on CPAN.
> Students are expected to bring a laptop, as you will be writing code during
> the class. You will also be provided with a tarball a week or so before the
> class is scheduled, which will contain a directory tree skeleton and test
> files.


[^1]: The price for the training classes is separate from registration
for the conference.

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