[Dahut-pm] Questions ...

Chris chris at prather.org
Tue May 18 23:43:21 CDT 2004

Hey All,

I was thinking of Registering Dahut.pm as a user group with Ora
(http://ug.oreilly.com/) and wanted your take on some of the questions.
Technically Bender will be registering the group so the contact info I can
deal with.

Contact First Name: *    

Contact Last Name: *    

Position: *    

User Group Name: *    

Shipping Address: *    

City: *    
St. Paul

State: *    

Zip: *    


Phone: * (For shipping purposes only)

Email: *
Bender at dahut.pm.org

Do you prefer email or snailmail? *    
Email  (Bender can't read snailmail because I don't have a scanner)


Meeting Date: * (ie. "2nd Tuesday")    
1st OSCON of every year. (???)

Meeting Time: *    

Meeting Location: * 

Size of membership: *    
erm ... 15 I think ... plus some lurkers who didn't give Long/Lat when Darobin
was offering free beer.

Average number of members that attend meetings: *    
we currently have had 100% attendance at all of our meetings to date.

Group Interests/Topics: * (Unix, Linux, Perl, Oracle, Mac, etc.)    
Perl, Alpine Mythological Beasts, XML, Non-Cabal-Activities, Left Handedness,
Right Handedness, AxKit...

Do you have a print newsletter? *

Do you have an email mailing list? *

Do you have a group library? *

Does your User Group participate in tradeshows or conferences? *     Yes No

If so, which ones?    
There are too many for me to list I think...

Does your User Group publish book/software reviews? *     Yes No

Does your User Group produce any special events? *     Yes No

If so, what and when?    

Do you want to receive a weekly newsletter from the UG program with news and
info from O'Reilly and other sources? *    

Yes (Bender won't care)

Do you want O'Reilly catalogs for your members on a quarterly basis? *  
No. how would we pass them out?

If so, how many?

Any ideas on these or other questions in the form?

Being a member of a Ora user group gives 20% off on Conferences and Products.
If there's any opposition to my doing this, please bring it up now. Else I'll
submit this when I can.


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