[Cypriots-pm] First informal meeting in Nicosia 19-20 April 2007

Mehmet Suzen mehmet.suzen at physics.org
Wed Apr 11 04:03:58 PDT 2007

Hello Cypriot Mongers/Unix,

I would suggest we meet in Nicosia (time/location will be decided) on
19 or 20 April to
introduce ourselves and chat about Perl/Unix related things. This can be a good
starting point for a Workshop/Related-thing. I know many of us are
abroad and Perl list
is pretty small, and CypriotUnix group is still infancy  but if
happens that you are around on these dates it would be great.

My Suggestion for a location;

* GreenHouse Cafe ~close to Ledra Palace, "North" Nicosia
* Star Bucks on the way to Elefteria, "South" Nicosia

And timing is Fri 20th, around 19:30.

Let me know your ideas/opinions and if you can come or bring more
interested people.


-- Mehmet Suzen

E-mail : mehmet.suzen at physics.org
            mehmet.suzen at gmail.com
URL    : http://www.geocities.com/nonlinearphysics

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