Pries, John E. JPries at wcom.net
Mon Jul 26 13:34:32 CDT 1999

Sorry for the presumptuous message here but... :)
I was hoping to wait until we met, but I didn't hear anything about a
Mongers meeting.  We have some job openings that I was hoping some of you
would know of people who might be interested.  We are primarily Unix based
(Solaris, HP-UX, Linux) on our backend but everyone in the building
generally has windows desktops.  We do lots of web based development using
Apache and Perl, create network management and internal interdepartmental
communication tools, etc.  We are primarily a quick response team developing
whatever application necessary to allow our internal (some external) users
to get their jobs done.  It is pretty fun, this team isn't a traditional IS
organization, in fact, we aren't part of IS but of Network Operations.
We'll be looking for experience in Unix, PERL, web serving technologies
(javascript, cgi, etc), and other higher level languages.

If you (the mongers mailing list) know of anyone who might be interested,
you can call me or send me their resume, we'll want to fill the positions
quickly.  Again, sorry for the bold nature of this message, but we want to
fill these positions fast and any help would be appreciated!

John Pries
MAST: Management and Analysis Software Technologies
Mail:	jpries at wcom.net
Phone:	(614) 723-4542
"for it is the doom of men that they forget"

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