msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" msgid "payment_means_CHQ" msgstr "支票" msgid "payment_means_CASH" msgstr "现金" msgid "payment_means_ONLINE" msgstr "在线" msgid "payment_means_XFER" msgstr "银行转帐" msgid "payment_means_FREE" msgstr "免费" msgid "room_out" msgstr "户外" msgid "room_venue" msgstr "会场" msgid "salutation_1" msgstr "Mr." msgid "salutation_2" msgstr "Mrs." msgid "salutation_3" msgstr "Ms." msgid "salutation_4" msgstr "Dr." msgid "User information" msgstr "用户资料" msgid "Login" msgstr "登录" msgid "Name" msgstr "姓名" msgid "City" msgstr "城市" msgid "Country" msgstr "国家" msgid "Perl mongers group" msgstr "Perl mongers 群组" msgid "Company" msgstr "公司" msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" msgid "Web page" msgstr "网址" msgid "IM" msgstr "IM" msgid "GPG key ID" msgstr "GPG 公开 ID" msgid "No photo" msgstr "暂无头像" msgid "Talk" msgstr "演讲: %1" msgid "Accepted Talk" msgstr "已受理演讲: %1" msgid "minutes" msgstr "分" msgid "Lightning talk" msgstr "快速演讲" msgid "Bio" msgstr "自我介绍" msgid "Other Act conferences:" msgstr "参加过的其他 Perl 会议:" msgid "Main private page" msgstr "个人私有主页" msgid "to " msgstr "(%1 专用主页)" msgid "This is your personal page." msgstr "" "这是您的私人页面。\n" "在此您可以管理你参与的所有事情。 \n" msgid "to Act-enabled conferences." msgstr "(在其它 Perl 会议)" msgid "You have purchased your conference ticket:" msgstr "您已成功购买您的会议门票:" msgid "Order number" msgstr "订单号" msgid "Payment date" msgstr "支付日" msgid "Amount paid" msgstr "支付金额" msgid "Download your invoice" msgstr "下载发票" msgid "You have not bought your conference ticket yet." msgstr "您还没有购买会议门票。" msgid "Please consider doing so using our online payment system." msgstr "请使用我们的在线支付系统来购买。" msgid "Please consider doing so once our online payment system is ready." msgstr "请在您的在线支付系统准备完毕后购买。" msgid "You have not confirmed your participation to this conference yet." msgstr "您还未确认是否参加该会议。" msgid "You did not register for this conference" msgstr "" "您还没有注册该会议。\n" "如果您有计划参加或进行演讲,请尽快注册。\n" msgid "You can:" msgstr "您能:" msgid "purchase your conference ticket" msgstr "购买您的会议门票" msgid "confirm your participation" msgstr "参加确认" msgid "register for this conference" msgstr "注册该会议" msgid "update your information" msgstr "更新资料" msgid "manage your photo" msgstr "管理头像" msgid "change your password" msgstr "更改密码" msgid "see your talks (accepted talks are shown in bold type)" msgstr "您的演讲(粗体显示已受理演讲)" msgid "submit a talk" msgstr "提交演讲" msgid "log out" msgstr "登出" msgid "unregister from " msgstr "删除 %1 注册记录" msgid "(You were there)" msgstr "(已参加)" msgid "(You are there)" msgstr "(参加中)" msgid "(You will be there)" msgstr "(将会参加)" msgid "Confirmation required" msgstr "必要的确认" msgid "This operation requires a confirmation. Please enter your email address," msgstr "" "该操作需要邮件确认。请输入您的 email, \n" "您将收到一封含有确认链接的邮件。\n" msgid "You must enter your email" msgstr "请输入您的 Email" msgid "Your email address looks bogus." msgstr "您的 Email 看起来不正确,请重试。" msgid "An email has been sent to . Click on the link in the email to" msgstr "" "邮件已发送至 %1 。请点击邮件里的链接\n" "来完成该项操作。\n" msgid "Confirmation email sent" msgstr "确认邮件已发送" msgid "In order to complete your operation" msgstr "为了完成您的 \"%1\" 操作,请点击下面的链接。" msgid " confirmation" msgstr "%1 - 确认" msgid "Registration" msgstr "注册" msgid "Sorry, this conference is over." msgstr "抱歉,会议已结束。" msgid "Please create your user below." msgstr "请在下面创建您的用户资料。" msgid "Identifier is already in use. Please choose another." msgstr "ID %1 已被使用。请另选。" msgid "The address is already registered." msgstr "该地址 %1 已注册。" msgid "Your identifier must contain at least 3 characters" msgstr "ID 必须是3个以上半角英文字符。 ([a-zA-Z0-9_])" msgid "You must enter your first name" msgstr "您必须输入您的名" msgid "You must enter your last name" msgstr "您必须输入您的姓" msgid "You must enter a country from the list" msgstr "您必须选择列表中的一个国家(地区)" msgid "Accounts with similar information already exist." msgstr "拥有同样信息的帐号已存在。" msgid "A valid T-shirt size is required." msgstr "请输入一个合理的T恤尺码。" msgid "Use the links above to check if you are one of those." msgstr "" "请使用上面的链接来检查您是否是其中之一。如果是,\n" "请使用已有帐号 登录。\n" msgid "To register, you first need to create an account on the site." msgstr "" "确认参与会议之前,您必须先注册一个帐号。\n" "如果您已经在其他 Act 会议注册过,请使用\n" "已有帐号登录\n" msgid "The personal data that will be gathered here will be used to create" msgstr "" "个人信息将会被收集用于创建一个\n" "在线的谁是谁参加人列表。\n" "在会议后,当您想与遇见的谁进行联系,或在会议前您想知道谁将参加,\n" "该列表都将非常有用。\n" msgid "Once you have an account, you'll be able to use our secure payment" msgstr "" "一旦您注册完毕,您就可以使用我们的安全支付系统来购买会议门票。\n" "请注意您的银行帐号和信用卡号码等都是由银行处理的,它是安全的。\n" msgid "We do not have access to your credit card information" msgstr "" "在支付进程中,我们没有(权限)去获取您的信用信息。\n" "我们只是在最后得到了钱。;-)\n" msgid "Once you have an account, you'll be able to register free of charge" msgstr "一旦您拥有一个帐号,您就可以免费确认参加。" msgid "Please create the user below." msgstr "请在下面创建用户资料。" msgid "Use the links above to check if any of those users is the one you want to" msgstr "" "请使用上面的链接来检查是否其中之一是你要创建的用户。\n" "如果是,请选中对应的单选按钮,然后提交该表单。\n" msgid "Register" msgstr "注册" msgid "Registered!" msgstr "注册成功!" msgid "Congratulations, you are now registered" msgstr "" "%1 恭喜您,你已经注册成功。\n" "您的密码是 %2 。\n" msgid "First Name" msgstr "名" msgid "Last Name" msgstr "姓" msgid "T-Shirt" msgstr "T恤" msgid "Join!" msgstr "参加" msgid "edit" msgstr "编辑" msgid "min" msgstr "分" msgid "Log in" msgstr "登录" msgid "Password" msgstr "密码" msgid "Submit" msgstr "提交" msgid "Forgot your password?" msgstr "忘记密码" msgid "This site uses cookies to authenticate logged in users." msgstr "" "本站点使用 cookies 来验证登录用户。\n" "您可能需要更改浏览器设置接受来自 %1 的 Cookie.\n" msgid "Incorrect login or password" msgstr "用户名或密码错误" msgid "Logout" msgstr "登出" msgid "You have been logged out and the cookie deleted from your browser." msgstr "您已经顺利登录,您的 cookie 已被浏览器删除。" msgid "Other conferences" msgstr "其他会议" msgid "Admin" msgstr "管理" msgid "Rights management" msgstr "权限管理" msgid "Events" msgstr "活动" msgid "Submit a new event" msgstr "创建新活动" msgid "Schedule" msgstr "日程安排" msgid "iCal export" msgstr "iCal 导出" msgid "iCal import" msgstr "iCal 导入" msgid "Submit a talk proposal" msgstr "提交一个演讲提议" msgid "Presentations" msgstr "演讲稿" msgid "Treasurer" msgstr "会计" msgid "Payments" msgstr "支付" msgid "Edit profile" msgstr "编辑资料" msgid "New user" msgstr "新用户" msgid "Users" msgstr "用户" msgid "Search" msgstr "搜索" msgid "Statistics" msgstr "统计" msgid "CSV export" msgstr "CSV 导出" msgid "Register a new user" msgstr "注册新用户" msgid "The schedule is not ready to be seen." msgstr "该日程安排还不能被查看。" msgid "The time and place of the following talks haven't been decided yet." msgstr "如下演讲时间地点还未确定。" msgid "Speaker" msgstr "演讲者" msgid "Talk title" msgstr "演讲标题" msgid "Duration" msgstr "期间" msgid "Target audience" msgstr "目标观众" msgid "Target audience:" msgstr "目标观众:" msgid "abstract (link)" msgstr "概要" msgid "talk (link)" msgstr "演讲" msgid "Talks in bold type have been confirmed by their respective speakers." msgstr "加粗的演讲已被演讲者确认。" msgid "Time" msgstr "时间" msgid "Price" msgstr "价格" msgid "Donation" msgstr "捐赠" msgid "Buy now!" msgstr "购买" msgid "Please note that everything regarding your bank account and credit card number" msgstr "" "请注意您的银行帐号和信用卡号码等都是由银行处理的,它是安全的。\n" "在支付进程中,我们没有(权限)去获取您的信用信息。\n" "我们只是在最后得到了钱。;-)\n" msgid "Nothing to pay, the order is already confirmed" msgstr "金额合计为零,您不需要进行支付。订单已完成。" msgid "Online payment" msgstr "在线支付" msgid "Online payment (zero)" msgstr "无需支付" msgid "Join" msgstr "参加" msgid "To register to the conference" msgstr "" "要注册 %1 会议,请单击下面的按钮。\n" msgid "The recognised rights are:" msgstr "现在权限一览:" msgid "Organizer" msgstr "组织者" msgid "Organizer (talks management)" msgstr "组织者 (演讲管理)" msgid "Treasurer (payment management)" msgstr "会计 (支付管理)" msgid "Administrator (rights management)" msgstr "管理员 (权限管理)" msgid "User rights" msgstr "用户权限" msgid "Amount" msgstr "金额" msgid "You cannot be pseudonymous with a blank nickname" msgstr "您不能使用空白昵称来匿名。" msgid "The Perl monger group must end with .pm" msgstr "Perl monger 群组必须以 .pm 结尾" msgid "The Perl monger group URL must start with http://" msgstr "Perl monger 群组 URL 必须以 http:// 开头" msgid "The company URL must start with http://" msgstr "公司 URL 必须以 http:// 开头" msgid "Your web site URL must start with http://" msgstr "您的网址 URL 必须以 http:// 开头" msgid "Your perlmonks id must be a number" msgstr "perlmonks id 必须是数字" msgid "Number of family members attending must be a number" msgstr "同伴个数必须是数字" msgid "Not a valid GPG key ID: 8 hexadecimal digits expected" msgstr "GPG 公开 ID 不争取: 8 位 16 进制" msgid "Salutation" msgstr "敬称" msgid "Nickname" msgstr "昵称" msgid "Stay pseudonymous" msgstr "使用匿名" msgid "Yes" msgstr "是" msgid "No" msgstr "否" msgid "Hide email" msgstr "隐藏Email" msgid "Coming with" msgstr "同伴数" msgid "6 or more" msgstr "6 人以上" msgid "people (who will not attend the conference)" msgstr "同伴 (谁将不参加会议)" msgid "T-shirt size" msgstr "T恤尺码" msgid "Full address" msgstr "详细地址" msgid "Timezone" msgstr "时区" msgid "Monger group" msgstr "Perl Monger 群组" msgid "(, city name in English, please)" msgstr "( 请使用英文来做城市名)" msgid "Monger group URL" msgstr "Perl Monger 群组 URL" msgid "VAT Number" msgstr "VAT (增值税)号码" msgid "Company URL" msgstr "公司 URL" msgid "GPG public key ID" msgstr "GPG 公开 ID" msgid "(please fill at least this one)" msgstr "(请最少输入一个)" msgid "Update info" msgstr "资料更新" msgid "Your information" msgstr "您的资料" msgid "This is a simulation. Under real circumstances, submitting" msgstr "" "这个是一个模拟程序。在真实情况下,提交该表单会跳转到银行的网址,\n" "在那里您需要输入您的信用卡资料。

\n" "请点击提交按钮来模拟支付过程。\n" msgid "Committed users are listed in bold type" msgstr "" "确认参加用户将用粗体列出(已经购买门票或者演讲者)。\n" msgid "Search for users" msgstr "搜索用户" msgid "Search form" msgstr "搜索表单" msgid "Any" msgstr "任意" msgid "Your photo" msgstr "您的头像" msgid "Image couldn't be read. Please upload your picture in one of the following formats:" msgstr "无法读取图片。请上传如下格式的图片:" msgid "This photo will probably end up on the conference who's who," msgstr "" "头像将会最终显示在谁是谁会议页面,所以人们会在想跟您交谈或者遇见对时候认出您来。\n" "请在您上传的时候考虑这点。\n" msgid "Delete Photo" msgstr "删除头像" msgid "Update Photo" msgstr "上传头像" msgid "Someone, possibly you, has requested that your password be reset." msgstr "" "有个人,或许是你,提交了重设密码的请求。\n" "为了完成操作,请点击如下链接:\n" msgid "If you have received this message without having requested it, it is" msgstr "" "如果您在未请求的情况下收到这封消息,这是因为有个人试图使用您的用户名或电子邮件。\n" "这或许是个无意的误会,他们将不会得到您的密码,所以您可以安全的忽略这封消息。\n" msgid "New password" msgstr "新密码" msgid "Reset Password" msgstr "重设密码" msgid "Specify either your login, or your email address." msgstr "" "请输入您的用户名Email 。\n" "您将会收到一封如何重设密码的指导邮件。\n" msgid "No user was found with this login or email address" msgstr "没有使用该用户名或电子邮件的用户" msgid "Specify your login or email address" msgstr "请提供您的用户名或电子邮件" msgid "Generate password" msgstr "生成密码" msgid " Statistics" msgstr "%1 统计" msgid "There are n registered people" msgstr "" "已注册 %1 人,\n" "来自 %2 国家和 \n" "%3 个 Perl Monger 。\n" "确认参加 %4 人。\n" msgid "You can have a look at country / mongers or cities statistics." msgstr "" "查阅 国家 / Perl mongers\n" "或 城市 统计.\n" msgid "The number of committed users is listed between parentheses" msgstr "" "确认参加人数参见下表中的括号。\n" msgid "Click on the various links to find the corresponding users!" msgstr "点击链接来查找对应的人!" msgid "Note: the country total is not always equal to the city total." msgstr "" "注: 国家总数不一定等于城市总数。\n" "因为有些城市没有相关的国家。\n" msgid "Cities" msgstr "城市" msgid "No city information entered" msgstr "请输入城市信息" msgid "Countries" msgstr "国家" msgid "Monger groups" msgstr "Perl Monger 群组" msgid "Un-Registration" msgstr "取消注册" msgid "To unregister from ," msgstr "" "请点击下面的按钮来取消注册。\n" msgid "Unregister from " msgstr "取消 %1 注册" msgid "Submit/Edit a non-talk event" msgstr "提交/编辑非演讲相关活动" msgid "You must enter a title for the event" msgstr "请输入活动的标题" msgid "You must enter a short description for the event" msgstr "请输入活动的简介" msgid "Please choose a duration" msgstr "请选择持续的时间" msgid "The supplied date is invalid" msgstr "您所提供的日期不正确" msgid "The supplied time is invalid" msgstr "您所提供的时间不正确" msgid "The date/time is out of range" msgstr "时间超出范围" msgid "Event URL is not a valid URL" msgstr "活动 URL 不正确" msgid "Incorrect room submitted" msgstr "您所提供的房间不正确" msgid "Please choose a target audience" msgstr "请选择您的观众对象" msgid "View" msgstr "查看" msgid "Delete this event" msgstr "删除该活动" msgid "Title" msgstr "标题" msgid "Date" msgstr "日期" msgid "Room" msgstr "房间" msgid "Abstract" msgstr "概要" msgid "(plain text)" msgstr "(纯文本)" msgid "External URL" msgstr "外部 URL" msgid "Submit this event" msgstr "提交该活动" msgid "Event submitted" msgstr "已提交活动" msgid "Thanks, the event has been recorded as" msgstr "" "谢谢,该活动已经被记录 %2\n" msgid "List of events" msgstr "活动一览" msgid "No event was submitted yet." msgstr "还没有任何活动被提交。" msgid "Event title" msgstr "活动标题" msgid "Event removed" msgstr "已删除活动" msgid "The event has been removed." msgstr "该活动 %1 已经被删除。" msgid "Date:" msgstr "日期:" msgid "Not scheduled yet." msgstr "待定" msgid "Duration:" msgstr "期间:" msgid "You can find more information on the following site:" msgstr "您会在如下网站找到更多资料:" msgid "Wiki - editing " msgstr "Wiki - %1 编辑" msgid "Someone has committed changes to this node since you began editing." msgstr "" "在您编辑期间,有个人提交了更改。\n" "您需要手工合并更改来提交新版本。\n" msgid "Current node contents:" msgstr "当前节点内容:" msgid "Help" msgstr "帮忙" msgid "Preview" msgstr "预览" msgid "Save" msgstr "保存" msgid "Your proposed revision:" msgstr "您提议的修订版:" msgid "Wiki - History" msgstr "Wiki - %1 历史" msgid "Version" msgstr "版本" msgid "Modified on" msgstr "更改日期" msgid "By" msgstr "由" msgid "Wiki - " msgstr "Wiki - %1" msgid "version" msgstr "版本" msgid "saved on" msgstr "保存时间" msgid "Last modified:" msgstr "最后更新:" msgid "by" msgstr "作者" msgid "new page" msgstr "新页面" msgid "Home" msgstr "主页" msgid "Revert to this version" msgstr "回到这个版本" msgid "Edit this page" msgstr "编辑页面" msgid "Delete this page" msgstr "删除页面" msgid "Recent changes" msgstr "最近更改" msgid "History" msgstr "历史" msgid "Wiki help" msgstr "Wiki 帮忙" msgid "" msgstr "" "


\n" "
    \n" "
  • 被三个单引号包括的字段将被加粗
  • \n" "
  • 被两个单引号包括的字段将被斜体.
  • \n" "
  • 任何包含多个大写字母的单词 (例如 StudlyCaps) 将成为连接.
  • \n" "
\n" "


\n" "
    \n" "
  • 四个或以上连字符开始的一行将转为水平线。
  • \n" "
  • 换行将转换为合适的标签。
  • \n" "
  • 用相同的等号包括的文字将成为 Header -- 越多的等号,越小的 header.
  • \n" "
\n" "


\n" "
    \n" "
  • 列表通过缩进来表示,默认通过一个 tab 或四个空格.
  • \n" "
  • 每个条目有自己点句的无序列表,每个条目需要一个星号和空格。
  • \n" "
  • 有序列表通过一个或多个数字字符跟着一个句号和可选的空格组合。
  • \n" "
  • 列表可以使用嵌套。
  • \n" "
\n" "


\n" "
    \n" "
  • 确切的说,没有任何标志的缩进文本将成为代码。代码里能使用嵌套列表。
  • \n" "
\n" "


\n" "\n" "下面是有效的 Wiki 格式,标志为扩展链接。\n" "
"        = my interesting text =\n"
"        NormalLink\n"
"        [AnExtendedLink|let the Sun shine]\n"
"        [user:id]\n"
"        [user:nick_name]\n"
"        [user:first_name last_name]\n"
"        [talk:id]\n"
"        [page:index.html|conference index]\n"
"        [image:images/logo.png|conference logo]\n"
"        == my interesting lists ==\n"
"            * unordered one\n"
"            * unordered two\n"
"            1. ordered one\n"
"            2. ordered two\n"
"                        a. nested one\n"
"                        b. nested two\n"
"            code one\n"
"            code two\n"
"        The first line of a normal paragraph.\n"
"        The second line of a normal paragraph.  Whee.\n"
\n" msgid "Wiki - Recent changes" msgstr "Wiki - 最近更改" msgid "Page" msgstr "页面" msgid "Changes in last" msgstr "最近更改" msgid " day(s)" msgstr "%1日" msgid " week(s)" msgstr "%1周" msgid " month(s)" msgstr "%1月" msgid "Wiki tags" msgstr "Wiki 标签" msgid "Wiki pages tagged " msgstr "标签为 %1 的 Wiki 页面" msgid "Administrative tasks" msgstr "管理的任务" msgid "Talks & events" msgstr "任务 & 活动" msgid "Credit card payment" msgstr "信用卡支付" msgid "Payment" msgstr "支付" msgid "Editing payment" msgstr "编辑支付" msgid "User" msgstr "用户" msgid "Payment means" msgstr "支付方法" msgid "or" msgstr "或" msgid "Update" msgstr "更新" msgid "speaker" msgstr "演讲者" msgid "Total" msgstr "合计" msgid "Payment confirmation" msgstr "支付确认" msgid " online payment" msgstr "" "在线支付已经被批准。\n" "\n" "订单号: %2\n" "支付日: %3 GMT\n" "支付额: %4 %5\n" msgid "Invoice #" msgstr "发票号" msgid "Dated" msgstr "请求日" msgid "Printed on" msgstr "印刷日" msgid "Description" msgstr "描述" msgid "Quantity" msgstr "数量" msgid "Unit Price" msgstr "单价" msgid " registration" msgstr "%1 注册" msgid "Your order number:" msgstr "订单号:" msgid "Total due" msgstr "合计金额" msgid "Invoice" msgstr "发票" msgid "You can print this page: only the invoice below will be printed." msgstr "你能打印该页面:只有下面的发票会被打印。" msgid "Printer friendly version" msgstr "打印机版本" msgid "Establishing your invoice requires your address." msgstr "发票需要您的地址。" msgid "Please make sure the billing information is correct." msgstr "请确认您的账单信息是正确的。" msgid "Address" msgstr "住址" msgid "I confirm" msgstr "我确定" msgid "Submit/Edit a talk" msgstr "提交/编辑演讲稿" msgid "You must specify a user" msgstr "您必须指定用户" msgid "You must enter a title for the talk" msgstr "请输入演讲的标题" msgid "You must provide an abstract" msgstr "请输入概要" msgid "Abstract URL is not a valid URL" msgstr "概要 URL 不是合法的 URL" msgid "Talk URL is not a valid URL" msgstr "演讲稿 URL 不是合法的 URL" msgid "Incorrect language" msgstr "不正确的语言" msgid "Delete this talk" msgstr "删除这个演讲稿" msgid "Track" msgstr "Track" msgid "Language" msgstr "语言" msgid "Language:" msgstr "语言:" msgid "Abstract URL" msgstr "概要 URL" msgid "Talk URL" msgstr "演讲稿 URL" msgid "Standard durations for are:" msgstr "%1 的标准期间:" msgid "If the proposed durations do not quite fit your talk, please" msgstr "" "如果提议的期间不符合您的讲演稿,请\n" "在‘注解’字段里描述您所要的持续时间。\n" msgid "Comments" msgstr "注解" msgid "The comment field is used for communicating information about" msgstr "" "该注解字段用于和组织者交流这个演讲稿。\n" msgid "Status" msgstr "状态" msgid "accepted" msgstr "已受理" msgid "confirmed" msgstr "已确认" msgid "Accepted" msgstr "已受理" msgid "Pending" msgstr "处理中" msgid "Submit this talk" msgstr "提交这个演讲稿" msgid "Talk submitted" msgstr "已提交的演讲稿" msgid "Thanks, your talk submission has been recorded as" msgstr "谢谢,您的演讲稿已经记录为 %2 。" msgid "iCal Import" msgstr "iCal 导出" msgid "The following talks have been updated:" msgstr "如下任务已更新:" msgid "Old time" msgstr "旧时间" msgid "New time" msgstr "新时间" msgid "title" msgstr "标题" msgid "Upload an iCal file" msgstr "上传 iCal 文件" msgid "Import" msgstr "导入" msgid "List of talks" msgstr "任务一览" msgid "List of talks tagged " msgstr "显示标签为 %1 的演讲稿" msgid "No talk was submitted yet." msgstr "还没有任何演讲稿被提交" msgid "Submitted talks:" msgstr "已提交演讲稿:" msgid "Accepted talks:" msgstr "已受理演讲稿:" msgid "Accepted talks are shown in bold type." msgstr "已受理演讲稿将用粗体显示" msgid "Total duration of accepted talks:" msgstr "已受理的演讲稿的所有持续时间:" msgid "hours" msgstr "小时" msgid "Accepted lightning talks:" msgstr "已受理的快速演讲:" msgid "Tracks" msgstr "Tracks" msgid "No track" msgstr "没有 track" msgid "lightning" msgstr "快速" msgid "from" msgstr "来自" msgid "Comment:" msgstr "注释:" msgid "You can find more information on the speaker's site:" msgstr "您能找到更多资料在演讲者的网站:" msgid "Abstract:" msgstr "概要:" msgid "Talk:" msgstr "演讲:" msgid "Talk removed" msgstr "已删除演讲" msgid "The Talk has been removed." msgstr "演讲 <b>%1</b> 已删除。" msgid "Talk inserted" msgstr "插入的演讲" msgid "Talk updated" msgstr "更新的演讲" msgid "Submitted by:" msgstr "提交者:" msgid "The following fields have been updated:" msgstr "如下字段已经被更新:" msgid "By:" msgstr "作者:" msgid "Remember me on this computer" msgstr "记住我在该电脑" msgid "Billing" msgstr "演讲次序" msgid "The following submission has been accepted" msgstr "" "以下申请已被手里。\n" "请点击链接来确认您的演讲稿。\n" "The following submission has been accepted. Please click\n" "on the link below to confirm your presentation.\n" msgid "News" msgstr "新闻" msgid "News Administration" msgstr "新闻管理" msgid "Published" msgstr "已发布" msgid "Create a new item" msgstr "创建一个新条目" msgid "Edit a news item" msgstr "编辑条目" msgid "You must enter a title" msgstr "请输入一个标题" msgid "You must enter some text" msgstr "请输入一些文字" msgid "Delete this item" msgstr "删除该条目" msgid "Text" msgstr "文本" msgid "No news yet!" msgstr "暂时没有任何新闻!" msgid "Use HTML to format text. Text between newlines will be turned into paragraphs" msgstr "使用 HTML 来格式文本。换行之间的文本将被转化为段落。" msgid "Add a new track" msgstr "添加一个新的 track" msgid "Create/Edit a track" msgstr "创建/编辑一个 track" msgid "Delete this track" msgstr "删除该 track" msgid "Submit this track" msgstr "提交该 track" msgid "You must enter a title for the track" msgstr "您必须输入一个标题" msgid "n talks" msgstr "演讲数:%1" msgid "n accepted" msgstr "受理数: %1" msgid "n confirmed" msgstr "确认数: %1" msgid "Change Password" msgstr "更改密码" msgid "Please type in your new password" msgstr "请输入您的新密码" msgid "Passwords don't match" msgstr "密码不匹配" msgid "New password" msgstr "新密码" msgid "Enter your new password twice" msgstr "请输入您的新密码两次" msgid "An email has been sent to you. Click on the link in the email to" msgstr "" "Email 已发送。请点击 Email 里的链接来得到您的帐号信息和设置一个新密码。\n" msgid "Tags" msgstr "标签" msgid "Tags:" msgstr "标签:" msgid "add new tags:" msgstr "增加一个新标签:" msgid "To unregister <name> from <conference>," msgstr "" "取消 %1 %2 在 %3 的注册,请点击下面的按钮。" msgid "Unregister <name> from <conference>" msgstr "取消 %1 %2 在 %3 的注册" msgid "unregister" msgstr "取消注册" msgid "edit payment" msgstr "编辑支付" msgid "view invoice" msgstr "查看发票" msgid "create invoice" msgstr "创建发票" msgid "enter payment" msgstr "输入支付" msgid "Your purchases" msgstr "您的购买" msgid "Your <conf> order #<id>" msgstr "%1 订单号 #%2" msgid "make additional purchases" msgstr "追加购买" msgid "view all orders and invoices" msgstr "查看所有订单和发票" msgid "Product" msgstr "商品" msgid "Personal Schedule" msgstr "私人日程安排" msgid "Attending talks" msgstr "参加的演讲" msgid "Promotion code" msgstr "促销代码"