Pretty-0.2/ 777 0 0 0 11010167214 5606 5Pretty-0.2/Makefile.PL 777 0 0 372 11007774110 7632 0# # $Id: Makefile.PL 2005/05/05 $ # use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; WriteMakefile( 'NAME' => 'Pretty', 'VERSION_FROM' => '', 'PREREQ_PM' => {}, 'AUTHOR' => 'Shan LeiGuang ', ); Pretty-0.2/MANIFEST 777 0 0 71 11007774232 6772 0README MANIFEST Makefile.PL Pretty/Table.pmPretty-0.2/Pretty/ 777 0 0 0 11010167214 7075 5Pretty-0.2/ 777 0 0 1431 11007773664 7537 0# # - Base class for Pretty::* object hierarchy. # # $Id: v0.2, 2008/05/05 14:00 $ # package Pretty; # # Copyright (c) 2008 Shan LeiGuang. # # This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express # or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified # under the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see # # use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); my $class; BEGIN { $class = __PACKAGE__; $VERSION = "0.2"; } sub VERSION () { "$class v$VERSION" } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME C - modules to print something pretty. =head1 SYNOPSIS # Pretty is a base class only =head1 AUTHOR Shan LeiGuang Eshanleiguang@gmail.comE =cutPretty-0.2/Pretty/ 777 0 0 36176 11010171601 10575 0# # $Id: v0.2, 2008-5-7 7:50 $ # package Pretty::Table; # # Copyright (c) 2008 Shan LeiGuang. # # This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express # or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified # under the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see # # use strict; use vars qw($AUTOLOAD); use Carp; BEGIN { #private vars and methods my %_attrs = ( _data_type => ['row', 'read/write'], _data_format => ['normal', 'read/write'], _data_ref => [undef, 'read/write'], _if_has_title => [1, 'read/write'], _title => [__PACKAGE__, 'read/write'], _indent => [2, 'read/write'], _align => ['left', 'read/write'], _margin_left => [1, 'read/write'], _margin_right => [1, 'read/write'], _deco_horizontal => ['|', 'read/write'], _deco_vertical => ['-', 'read/write'], _deco_cross => ['+', 'read/write'], _empty_fill => [' ', 'read/write'], _if_multi_lines => [1, 'read/write'], _max_col_length => [40, 'read/write'], _skip_deco_rows => [undef, 'read'], ); sub _standard_keys { keys %_attrs; } sub _accessible { my ($self, $attr, $mode) = @_; $_attrs{$attr}[1] =~ m/$mode/; } sub _default_for { my ($self, $attr) = @_; $_attrs{$attr}[0]; } #class methods my $_count = 0; sub get_count { $_count; } sub _incr_count { ++$_count; } sub _desr_count { --$_count; } } sub new { my ($caller, %arg) = @_; my $caller_is_obj = ref($caller); my $class = $caller_is_obj || $caller; my $self = bless {}, $class; #init foreach my $attr ($self->_standard_keys()) { my ($argname) = ($attr =~ m/^_(.*)/); if(exists $arg{$argname}) { $self->{$attr} = $arg{$argname}; } elsif($caller_is_obj) { $self->{$attr} = $caller->{$attr}; } else { $self->{$attr} = $self->_default_for($attr); } } $self->_incr_count(); return $self; } sub DESTROY { $_[0]->_desc_count(); } #'set' and 'get' methods sub AUTOLOAD { no strict "refs"; my ($self, $newval) = @_; if($AUTOLOAD =~ m/.*::get(_\w+)/ && $self->_accessible($1, 'read')) { my $attr = $1; *{$AUTOLOAD} = sub { return $_[0]->{$attr}; }; return $self->{$attr}; } if($AUTOLOAD =~ m/.*::set(_\w+)/ && $self->_accessible($1, 'read')) { my $attr = $1; *{$AUTOLOAD} = sub { $_[0]->{$attr} = $_[1]; return; }; $self->{$1} = $newval; return; } croak "No such method: $AUTOLOAD"; } sub output { my $self = shift; my $data_type = $self->get_data_type(); my $data_format = $self->get_data_format(); my $data_ref = $self->get_data_ref(); my $if_has_title = $self->get_if_has_title(); my $title = $self->get_title(); my $indent = $self->get_indent(); my $align = $self->get_align(); my $margin_left = $self->get_margin_left(); my $margin_right = $self->get_margin_right(); my $deco_h = $self->get_deco_horizontal(); my $deco_v = $self->get_deco_vertical(); my $deco_c = $self->get_deco_cross(); my $empty_fill = $self->get_empty_fill(); my $if_multi_lines = $self->get_if_multi_lines(); my $max_col_length = $self->get_max_col_length(); my ($max_elem_num, $space) = (0, ' '); my (@rows, @cols, @max_lengthes, $total_length, $ptable); #strip unnecessary chars foreach my $dr (@$data_ref) { foreach my $i (0..(@$dr - 1)) { $dr->[$i] =~ s/^\s+//; $dr->[$i] =~ s/\s+$//; $dr->[$i] =~ s/\n//g; $dr->[$i] =~ s/s{2,}/ /g; } } #make each arry of @$data_ref the same size foreach (@$data_ref) { $max_elem_num = @$_ if(@$_ > $max_elem_num); } foreach my $dref (@$data_ref) { if(@$dref < $max_elem_num) { for(1..($max_elem_num - @$dref)) { push @$dref, $empty_fill; } } } #transform @$data_ref to @rows and @cols if($data_type eq 'row') { @rows = @$data_ref; foreach my $row (0..$#{$rows[0]}) { push @{$cols[$row]}, $_->[$row] foreach(@rows); } } elsif($data_type eq 'col') { @cols = @$data_ref; foreach my $col(0..$#{$cols[0]}) { push @{$rows[$col]}, $_->[$col] foreach(@cols); } } #if '_if_multi_lines' enabled, rebuild @rows and @cols if($if_multi_lines) { my $max_len_rows = []; foreach my $i (0..$#rows) { my $max_len = 0; foreach my $j (0..(@{$rows[$i]} - 1)) { if(length($rows[$i]->[$j]) > $max_len) { $max_len = length($rows[$i]->[$j]); $max_len_rows->[$i] = $j; } } } my @rows_new; $self->{_attrs}->{_skip_deco_rows} = {}; foreach my $i (0..$#rows) { my $max_len_index = $max_len_rows->[$i]; my $max_array_added = int(length($rows[$i]->[$max_len_index])/$max_col_length); foreach my $j (0..$max_array_added) { my @array_added; foreach my $col (@{$rows[$i]}) { my $sub = substr $col, $j*$max_col_length, $max_col_length; if($sub) { push @array_added, $sub; } else { push @array_added, ' '; } } if((join '', @array_added) !~ /^\s+$/) { push @rows_new, \@array_added; if(length($rows[$i]->[$max_len_index]) > ($j+1)*$max_col_length) { $self->{_attrs}->{_skip_deco_rows}->{@rows_new-1} = 1; } } } } #rebuild @rows and @cols @rows = @rows_new; undef @cols; foreach my $row (0..$#{$rows[0]}) { push @{$cols[$row]}, $_->[$row] foreach(@rows); } } #col's max length = margin_left + max_length + margin_right foreach(0..$#cols) { my $max_len = length((sort{length($b) <=> length($a)} @{$cols[$_]})[0]); $max_lengthes[$_] = $max_len + $margin_left + $margin_right; } #print 'title' foreach(0..$#{$rows[0]}) { $total_length += $max_lengthes[$_]; } $total_length += $#cols; if($if_has_title) { if($total_length < (length($title) + $margin_left + $margin_right)) { $total_length = length($title) + $margin_left + $margin_right; } # +----------------------+ # | Pretty::Table | # +----------------------+ $ptable = ($space x $indent).$deco_c.($deco_v x $total_length).$deco_c."\n"; $ptable .= ($space x $indent).$deco_h; $ptable .= $self->data_format($total_length, $title); $ptable .= $deco_h."\n"; } #print 'data' # +----+------+-----+-----+ $ptable.= $space x $indent; foreach(0.. $#{$rows[0]}) { $ptable.= $deco_c.($deco_v x $max_lengthes[$_]); } $ptable.= $deco_c."\n"; foreach my $i (0..$#rows) { # | id | name | sex | age | $ptable.= ($space x $indent).$deco_h; foreach(0..$#{$rows[0]}) { $ptable.= $self->data_format($max_lengthes[$_], $rows[$i]->[$_]); $ptable.= $deco_h; } $ptable.= "\n"; if(not $self->{_attrs}->{_skip_deco_rows}->{$i}) { # +----+------+-----+-----+ $ptable.= $space x $indent; foreach(0.. $#{$rows[0]}) { $ptable.= $deco_c.($deco_v x $max_lengthes[$_]); } $ptable.= $deco_c."\n"; } } return $ptable; } sub data_format { my ($self, $col_length, $data) = @_; my $data_length = length($data); my $align = $self->get_align(); my $data_format = $self->get_data_format(); my $margin_left = $self->get_margin_left(); my $margin_right = $self->get_margin_right(); my $empty_fill = $self->get_empty_fill(); my $data_formated; if($data_format eq 'uc') { $data = uc($data); } elsif($data_format eq 'lc') { $data = lc($data); } elsif($data_format eq 'ucfirst') { $data = ucfirst($data); } #if 'align' is 'center', recalc $margin_left then set align to 'left' if($align eq 'center') { $margin_left = int(($col_length - length($data))/2); $align = 'left'; } if($align eq 'left') { $data_formated .= $empty_fill x $margin_left; $data_formated .= $data; $data_formated .= $empty_fill x ($col_length - $margin_left - $data_length); } elsif($align eq 'right') { $data_formated .= $empty_fill x ($col_length - $data_length - $margin_right); $data_formated .= $data; $data_formated .= $empty_fill x $margin_right; } return $data_formated; } sub insert { my ($self, $dref_insert, $index) = @_; my $data_ref = $self->get_data_ref(); if(not $index) { push @$data_ref, $dref_insert; } else { foreach ((@$data_ref - 1)..$index) { $data_ref->[$_] = $data_ref->[$_-1]; } $data_ref->[$index] = $dref_insert; } } #'sort_by' method, only supported on 'row' type sub sort_by { my ($self, $hdrkey, $order) = @_; my $data_type = $self->get_data_type(); my $data_ref = $self->get_data_ref(); $order = 'A' if(not $order); if($data_type eq 'row') { my $hdrref = $data_ref->[0]; my $hdrkey_index; foreach (0..(@$hdrref - 1)) { if($hdrref->[$_] =~ m/^$hdrkey$/i) { $hdrkey_index = $_; last; } } shift(@{$data_ref}); if($order eq 'A') { $data_ref = [ sort{$a->[$hdrkey_index] cmp $b->[$hdrkey_index]} @$data_ref ]; } elsif($order eq 'D') { $data_ref = [ sort{$b->[$hdrkey_index] cmp $a->[$hdrkey_index]} @$data_ref ]; } unshift(@{$data_ref}, $hdrref); $self->set_data_ref($data_ref); } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME C - to print pretty text table =head1 Example use Pretty::Table; my $pt = Pretty::Table->new( data_type => 'row', #row mode data_format => 'ucfirst', #uppercase the first char if_multi_lines => 1, #enable multi-lines mode max_col_length => 10, #set max_col_length to 10 ); my $dr = [ ['id','name','sex','age','email'], #this is a row ['01','tommy','male',27], ['02','jarry','male',26], ['03','shanleiguang',26,''], ]; $pt->set_data_ref($dr); $pt->set_title('Contacts'); $pt->set_align('left'); $pt->set_data_format('normal'); $pt->insert(['04','marry','female',26], 4); $pt->sort_by('name'); print $pt->output(); $pt->set_data_type('col'); #change to 'col' mode $pt->set_deco_cross('*'); $pt->set_if_has_title(0); print $pt->output(); =head1 Example Output +---------------------------------------------+ | Contacts | +----+------------+--------+-----+------------+ | id | name | sex | age | email | +----+------------+--------+-----+------------+ | 01 | tommy | male | 27 | | +----+------------+--------+-----+------------+ | 02 | jarry | male | 26 | | +----+------------+--------+-----+------------+ | 03 | shanleigua | male | 26 | shanleigua | | | ng | | | ng@gmail.c | | | | | | om | +----+------------+--------+-----+------------+ | 04 | marry | female | 26 | | +----+------------+--------+-----+------------+ *-------*-------*-------*------------*--------* | id | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | *-------*-------*-------*------------*--------* | name | tommy | jarry | shanleigua | marry | | | | | ng | | *-------*-------*-------*------------*--------* | sex | male | male | male | female | *-------*-------*-------*------------*--------* | age | 27 | 26 | 26 | 26 | *-------*-------*-------*------------*--------* | email | | | shanleigua | | | | | | ng@gmail.c | | | | | | om | | *-------*-------*-------*------------*--------* =head2 Methods =over =item Cset_data_type(<'row'|'col'>) my $dr = [ ['id','name','sex','age'], #this is a 'row' or a 'col' [...], ]; =item Cset_data_format(<'normal'|'uc'|'lc'|'ucfirst'>) normal - default uc - uppercase lc - lowercase ucfirst - uppercase the first char =item Cset_data_ref(<$dr>) $dr is a 2D ArrayRef: my $dr = [ ['id','name','sex','age'], #this is a 'row' or a 'col' [...], ]; =item Cset_if_has_title(<1|0>) default is 1 =item Cset_title(<$title>) default is __PACKAGE__ (Pretty::Table) =item Cset_indent(<$indent>) default is 2 =item Cset_align(<'left'|'center'|'right'>) default is 'left' =item Cset_margin_left(<$margin_left>) default is 1, no need to change =item Cset_margin_right(<$margin_right>) default is 1, no need to change =item Cset_deco_horizontal(<$deco_h>) default is '|', no need to change =item Cset_deco_vertical(<$deco_v>) default is '-', no need to change =item Cset_deco_cross(<$deco_c>) default is '+', '*' is also pretty =item Cset_empty_fill(<$empty_fill>) default is ' '(space), no need to change =item Cset_if_multi_lines(<1|0>) default is 1, enable multi-lines mode =item Cset_max_col_length(<$max_col_length>) default is 40, 'if_multi_lines' must enabled =item Cinsert(<[...]> [,$position]) $pt->insert(['04','john','male','25']); #insert to the end of $data_ref $pt->insert(['03','john','male','25'], 3); #insert to the '3' position =item Csort_by(<$hdrkey>) my $dr = [ ['id','name','sex','age'], #be a 'row' or a 'col' [...], ]; $pt->set_data_ref($dr); $pt->sort_by('id'); =back =head1 AUTHOR Shan LeiGuang Eshanleiguang@gmail.comE =cut Pretty-0.2/README 777 0 0 76 11007774352 6531 0 History ------- v0.2: Pretty::Table.pmPretty-0.2/ 777 0 0 1210 11007763774 7222 0 use Test; BEGIN { plan tests => 7 }; use Pretty::Table; ok(1); my $pt = Pretty::Table->new( 'data_type' => 'row', 'data_format' => 'ucfirst', 'if_has_title' => 1, 'title' => 'Pretty::Table Test', 'if_multi_lines' => 1, 'max_col_length' => 5, ); ok(2); my $dr = [ ['id', 'name', 'sex', 'age'], ['01', 'zhangsan', 'male', '20'], ['02', 'lisi', 'male', '21'], ['03', 'shanleiguang', 'male', '27'], ]; $pt->get_data_format(); ok(3); $pt->set_data_format('normal'); ok(4); $pt->set_data_ref($dr); ok(5); $pt->set_title('Testing'); ok(6); $pt->output(); ok(7);