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<p>Sorry for not being clear. Getting the failed dependency message when trying
to install WWW::Contact is what lead me to to trying to install Crypt::SSLeay.
Now Crypt::SSLeay seems to have been installed via apt-get howwver when I try to
install WWW::Contact I still get the failed dependency error.</p>
<p>Â </p>
<p># cpan i /WWW-Contact/</p>
<p>All 11 subtests passed <br>t/101-gmail.t ....... skipped: set
$ENV{TEST_GMAIL} and $ENV{TEST_GMAIL_PASS} to test<br>t/102-yahoo.t .......
skipped: set $ENV{TEST_YAHOO} and $ENV{TEST_YAHOO_PASS} to
test<br>t/103-rediff.t ...... skipped: set $ENV{TEST_REDIFF} and
$ENV{TEST_REDIFF_PASS} to test<br>t/104-163.t ......... skipped: set
$ENV{TEST_163} and $ENV{TEST_163_PASS} to test<br>t/105-aol.t ......... skipped:
set $ENV{TEST_AOL} and $ENV{TEST_AOL_PASS} to test<br>t/106-mail.t ........
skipped: set $ENV{TEST_MAIL} and $ENV{TEST_MAIL_PASS} to test<br>t/107-hotmail.t
.... skipped: set $ENV{TEST_HOTMAIL} and $ENV{TEST_HOTMAIL_PASS} to
test<br>t/108-indiatimes.t .. skipped: set $ENV{TEST_INDIATIMES} and
$ENV{TEST_INDIATIMES_PASS} to test<br>t/109-lycos.t ....... skipped: set
$ENV{TEST_LYCOS} and $ENV{TEST_LYCOS_PASS} to test<br>t/110-plaxo.t .......
skipped: set $ENV{TEST_PLAXO} and $ENV{TEST_PLAXO_PASS} to
test<br>t/999-author.t ...... skipped: author tests<br>t/pod.t .............
ok    <br><br>Test Summary
Report<br>-------------------<br>t/02-supplier.t  (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 11
Failed: 0)<br>Â Non-zero exit status: 255<br>Â Parse errors: No plan found in
TAP output<br>Files=15, Tests=35, 6 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr 0.04 sys +Â
4.93 cusr 0.25 csys = 5.28 CPU)</p>
<p>Result: FAIL<br>Failed 1/15 test programs. 0/35 subtests failed.<br>Â
FAYLAND/WWW-Contact-0.47.tar.gz<br>Â ./Build test -- NOT OK</p>