Ted,<br><br>Thank you very much for the suggested rewrite for the subroutine. So far it has not hung (fingers crossed). However, the lines with espf[ in them are not being removed with:<br><br>next if $line =~ m/espf\[/;<br><br>For example, if the $in_file contains the line:<br><br><pre><tt><tt>^epsf[cs.45]{../rush_graphics/truck_slogan5.eps}</tt></tt></pre>it does not get removed. Did I do something wrong?<br><br><b><i>Ted Zlatanov <tzz@lifelogs.com></i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"><richard@rushlogistics.com>sub delimit {<br> my ($tos, $ccs, $rp, $sb, $body, $in_file) = @_;<br><br> return unless defined $in_file;<br> open IN, '<', $in_file or warn "Could not open $in_file: $!";<br> my @lines;<br><br> while (my $line = <IN>)<br> {<br> next if $line =~ m/espf\[/;<br> push(@lines, $line);<br> }