[Chicago-talk] Potter's sudo and bash talks

Michael Potter michael at potter.name
Thu Jun 27 15:52:06 PDT 2013


Many of you have seen my bash and sudo presentations.  If you have and
you liked them I am asking a favor...

I am starting a side business giving my talks and I need some testimonials.
Please send a sentence or two that I can use to promote my talks.

Here are the URLs:

I am limiting the number of attendees in each session; I will repeat
these event once a month or so.

I was planning on using gotomeeting, but I just learned that they do
not support Linux. I am investigating alternatives. My worst case is
to use google hangouts, but I am not satisfied with the quality.

As a thank you for those who are able to provide a testimonial, I will
give a 90% off coupon for one of my sessions.  Why 90% rather than
100%?: I want the attendee to pay something as a way to reduce

Michael Potter
Michael Potter
  Tapp Solutions, LLC
  Replatform Technologies, LLC
+1 770 815 6142  ** Atlanta ** michael at potter.name  **

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