[Chicago-talk] Merging two dir's into a third

Steven Lembark lembark at wrkhors.com
Wed Feb 18 13:30:13 CST 2004

> dira/apple/this.txt
> and
> dirb/apple/that.txt
> and end up with
> dirc/apple/this.txt
> dirc/apple/that.txt

	for i in $dira $dirb;
		( cd $i; find . | cpio -pdv $dirc )

You could use File::Find::finddepth and a with a mkdir
or rename but cpio is going to handle all of the types
properly (and exits nonzero if the filesystem gets full,
which tar won't).


Steven Lembark                               2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing                       Chicago, IL 60647
                                            +1 888 359 3508

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