[Chicago-announce] The JavaScript Renaissance Part I: The Core Language

Dave Hoover dave at obtiva.com
Mon Dec 17 14:02:47 PST 2007

We're going to shift gears a bit for our January meeting in Wheaton
and focus on JavaScript.  Fred Polgardy has stepped forward and
volunteered to give a series of talks in 2008 on JavaScript and the
Renaissance it has enjoyed over the last couple years.

When:  Tuesday, Jan 8, 2008, 7-9 PM
Where:  Wheaton, IIT - Rice Campus
Who:  Frederick Polgardy
What:  The JavaScript Renaissance Part I: The Core Language

What comes to mind when think of JavaScript? Broken web sites, browser
incompatibilities, and brittle spaghetti code? It doesn't have to be
this way anymore! In this presentation, we'll take a focused look at
some of the most powerful and under-appreciated features of the core
JavaScript language -- prototype-based inheritance, lexical closures,
and metaprogramming. We'll look briefly at what these features
actually provide from a language standpoint, and then spend most of
our time rolling up our sleeves and digging into real world code. In
the process, we'll get acquainted with the Prototype library, and see
how it extends the core JavaScript language in fascinating and clever
ways. We'll finish up with a brief look at what's coming in JavaScript

More information and directions can be found at

Let me know if you have ideas for other talks in 2008.


Dave Hoover
Principal, Practice Leader
Obtiva Corp:  Agility Applied. Software Delivered.

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