[Charlotte.PM] Pseudocode - Practices, standards, guidelines

William McKee william at knowmad.com
Fri Aug 13 07:14:21 CDT 2004

Hey Bill,

Since the students must be slacking off between semesters ;-) or have
replied to you directly, here's how I do it.

When writing code that I've not written before, I use comments to layout
the structure. It may look something like the following for converting
the time to a 12 hr format:

  # get current time

  # get hour

  # if >= 12, set pm

  # if > 12, sub 12

  # format time and return

Then, I start putting in the code needed to make the comments "work".
Recently, I've started using test-driven development whereby I write
tests before writing code then write the code to pass the tests. We can
take it up at the meeting next week.


Knowmad Services Inc.

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