[Cascavel-pm] Analise de tendencia

Alex E. J. Falcão alfspsp em hotmail.com
Terça Agosto 10 11:42:15 CDT 2004

Hi Folks,

    Tempos atras mandei uma mensagem perguntando se alguem sabia de alguma
função para calcular valores futuros baseandos em um histórico. Varios me
responderam, mas infelizmente não era o que eu precisava. Eu queria algo
semelhante ao que é rezalido pela formula do "Excel" FORECAST, então fui no
site da microsoft e achei a explciação da composição da fórmula e resolvi

    o site é:

    Não manjo muito, então gostaria que a galera da lista mandesse opniões e

    Segue abaixo o modulo:

    Abraço a todos e obrigado

package Statistics::Forecast;

$VERSION = '0.1';

use strict;

=head1 NAME



This is a Oriented Object module that calculates a future value by using
existing values. The new value is calculated by using linear regression.


   use Statistics::Forecast;

   # Create forecast object
   my $FCAST = new Statistics::Forecast("My Forecast Name");

   # Add data
   $FCAST->{DataX} = \@Array_X;
   $FCAST->{DataY} = \@Array_Y;
   $FCAST->{NextX} = $NextX;

   # Calculate the result

   # Get the result
   my $Result_Forecast = $FCAST->{ForecastY);


The equation for Forecast is:

        a+bx, where 'x' is the predicted value and
            _    _
        a = y + bx

        b = sum((x+x)(y-y))/sum(x-x)**2;

=head1 METHODS


=item C<new>

Receives a forecast name, only to remember
and returns the blessed data structure as
a Statistics::Forecast object.



sub new {
        my $classname= shift(@_);
        my $ForecastName = shift(@_) || "with no name";
        my $DataX = shift(@_) || undef;
        my $DataY = shift(@_) || undef;
        my $NextX = shift(@_) || undef;
        my $self = {
                ForecastName => $ForecastName,
                DataX => $DataX,
                DataY => $DataY,
                NextX => $NextX,

                # Initialializing Acumulative variables
                SumX => 0,
                SumY => 0,
                SumXY => 0,
                SumXX => 0

        bless $self;
        return $self;


=item C<calc>

Calculate and return the forecast value.



sub calc {
        my $self = shift;

        # Verify if the inputed values are correct.
        if (!$self->{DataY}) { die "Cannot run without Y values" };
        # if no X values were input, populate with 1, 2 ...
        if ($#{$self->{DataX}} eq -1) {
           for (my $X=1; $X <= $#{$self->{DataY}}+1; $X++) {
              $self->{DataX}[$X-1] = $X;
        if ($#{$self->{DataY}} != $#{$self->{DataX}}) { die "Cannot run with
different number of 'X' values." };
        if (!$self->{NextX}) { die "Cannot run with no data point which you
want to predict a value." };

        # Calculate the Sum of Y, X, X*Y and X**2 values.
        for (my $X=0; $X <= $#{$self->{DataX}}; $X++) {
           $self->{SumY} += $self->{DataY}[$X];
           $self->{SumX} += $self->{DataX}[$X];
           $self->{SumXY} += ($self->{DataX}[$X] * $self->{DataY}[$X]);
           $self->{SumXX} += ($self->{DataX}[$X]**2);

        $self->{N} = $#{$self->{DataX}}+1;              # Number of Elements
        $self->{AvgX} = $self->{SumX} / $self->{N};     # X Average
        $self->{AvgY} = $self->{SumY} / $self->{N};     # Y Average

        my $B1 = ($self->{N} * $self->{SumXY} - $self->{SumX} *
        my $B2 = ($self->{N} * $self->{SumXX} - $self->{SumX}**2 );
        my $B = $B1 / $B2;
        my $A = $self->{AvgY} - $B*$self->{AvgX};

        $self->{ForecastY} = $A + $B*$self->{NextX}; # The forecast


=item C<dump>

Prints data for debuging propose




sub dump {

        my $self = shift;
        print "\n\n";
        print "###########################################\n";
        print "      This is a Forecast dump              \n";
        print "###########################################\n";
        print "\n";
        if ($self->{N}) {
           print ".  Forecast Name   : ", $self->{ForecastName}, "\n";
           print ".  Number of elements: ", $self->{N}, "\n";
           print ".  --------------------------------------- \n";
           print ".  X Values\n\t", join(";  ", @{$self->{DataX}}), "\n";
           print ".  Sum of X values   : ", $self->{SumX}, "\n";
           print ".  --------------------------------------- \n";
           print ".  Y Values\n\t", join(";  ", @{$self->{DataY}}), "\n";
           print ".  Sum of Y values   : ", $self->{SumY}, "\n";
           print ".  --------------------------------------- \n";
           print ".  Sum of X*Y values : ", $self->{SumXY}, "\n";
           print ".  Sum of X**2 values: ", $self->{SumXX}, "\n";
           print ".  --------------------------------------- \n";
           print ".  Predict inputed   : ", $self->{NextX}, "\n";
           print ".  Forecast value    : ", $self->{ForecastY}, "\n";
           print ".  --------------------------------------- \n";
           print ".  Thanks for using Statistics::Forecast\n\n";
        } else {
           print "Error: You have to use method <calc> \n";
           print "       before dump the values.\n";
           print "\n";

=head1 EXAMPLE

   use Statistics::Forecast;

   my @Y = (1,3,7,12);
   my @X = (1,2,3,4);

   my $FCAST = new Statistics::Forecast("My Forecast");

   $FCAST->{DataX} = \@X;
   $FCAST->{DataY} = \@Y;
   $FCAST->{NextX} = 8;

   print "The Forecast \"", $FCAST->{ForecastName}, "\" has the forecast
value: ", $FCAST->{ForecastY}, "\n";

=head1 AUTHOR

This module was developed by Alex Falcao(alfspsp em hotmail.com).


This is the first version and calculates forecast value.

=head1 VERSION



This module is released for free public use under a GPL license.



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