[Canberra-pm] Q: Subclassing an object with closures

Daniel Pittman daniel at rimspace.net
Mon Nov 15 17:54:50 PST 2010

Alex Satrapa <grail at goldweb.com.au> writes:

> I think I'm going to have to hand in my Perl license, I've encountered a
> structure I don't understand and now I have no idea how to extend the class.

The goal of a bunch of that code is to make it "private", so that you can't
fiddle with it, so it isn't a great shock that extending it is hard.

> Observe the contents of the Net::MAC module. There is a closure containing
> "class data and class methods", so the module basically looks like this:
>> package Net::MAC;
>> sub new {
>>   # Usual blessing a hashref as the class
>>   $self->_init(%arg);
>>   return $self
>>   }
>> { # Closure for class data and class methods
>>   my %_format_for = (
>>     # Hash mapping format name to format options
>>     IEEE => {
>>       base => 16,
>>       bit_group => 8,
>>       delimiter => ':',
>>       zero_padded => 1,
>>       case => 'lower'
>>       },
>>     )
>> }
>> sub _discover {
>>   # Stuff which handles parsing the MAC string.
>>   }
> Now what I'd like to do is define a new format or three due to various
> equipment in my network which produces MAC addresses in formats such as
> '0xDEADBEEF' which is common in SNMP from what I've seen.
> I'd like to take advantage of the existing autoloading, rather than
> overriding _discover (to take out the 0x where required, then simply
> invoking the superclass _discover method) and providing an explicitly
> defined "as_SNMP" method (which simply sticks a 0x on the front).
> The first thing I'd like to understand is whether I can add a new entry into
> that %_format_for hash without touching the Net::MAC module (since I doubt
> many sysadmins would like my module interfering with read-only modules
> already installed).

Absolutely not.  It is by design entirely private, and no longer has a
name-binding by design.

> Then I'd like to be able to add a new sub into the closure to handle special
> formatting, such as stripping the 0x off when parsing and adding it on when
> the user requests as_SNMP.
> Of course the simple approach is to create the as_SNMP and override
> _discover myself, but I can't help feeling that's too easy.

You probably need to override _format and _discover to do your mangling,
because the upstream author has deliberately locked you out of being able to
touch the existing method.

> And remember the sage words of H. L. Mencken, "for every complex problem
> there is a solution which is simple, elegant, and completely wrong."

...is the right solution to fix the module, then submit it to the author, and
just depend on the latest CPAN release?

✣ Daniel Pittman            ✉ daniel at rimspace.net            ☎ +61 401 155 707
               ♽ made with 100 percent post-consumer electrons

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