[Canberra-pm] Still podding around

Paul Matthews plm at netspace.net.au
Wed Aug 6 00:24:05 PDT 2008

If my reading of Pod::Usage is correct, this should work. If called with 
./podme --manual it print the manual out as expected. If called with 
./podme --help it does nothing. If called with ./podme --foo then at 
work it does nothing, at home it produces the correct result. Clue 
required please.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use strict;

my $help;
my $manual;

GetOptions( 'help'   => \$help,
            'manual' => \$manual ) || pod2usage(2);
pod2usage( -verbose => 1 ) if( $help );
pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) if( $manual );

=head1 NAME

program - a program


program ( --help | -- manual )


Prints either short help, or long help.

=head1 OPTIONS


=item B<--help>

Print a brief help message and exits.

=item B<--manual>

Prints the manual page and exits.



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