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<title>Training Schedule from Perl Training Australia</title>
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Dear Brisbane Perl Mongers,
Perl Training Australia is pleased to announce the opening of
bookings for our first ever publicly enrolable training courses
by Dr Damian Conway. These are in addition to our first public
run of our new Perl Security course, our new Database Programming
with Perl course and our popular introductory courses.
Dr Damian Conway is one of the world's leading Perl experts and is
the author of numerous well-known Perl modules. Most of his time
is currently spent working with Larry Wall (the creator of Perl)
on the design of the new Perl 6 programming language. He is a
highly sought after speaker and has been published on topics as
diverse as emergent systems, declarative programming and nanoscale
<h2>Key dates</h2>
<table cellpadding="5%" border="1">
<tr><th colspan="2">Melbourne</th></tr>
<td>Introduction to Perl</td><td> 21st September - 22nd September 2004</td>
<td>Intermediate Perl</td><td> 23rd September - 24th September 2004</td>
<td>Perl Security</td><td>8th October 2004</td>
<td>Database Programming with Perl</td><td>5th November 2004</td>
<td>Advanced Object Oriented Perl by Dr Damian Conway</td><td>31st January - 1st
February 2005</td>
<td>Text Processing with Perl by Dr Damian Conway</td><td>3rd February 2005</td>
<tr><th colspan="2">Sydney</th></tr>
<td>Introduction to Perl</td><td>26th October - 27th October 2004</td>
<td>Intermediate Perl</td><td>28th October - 29th October 2004</td>
<td>Database Programming with Perl</td><td>19th November 2004</td></tr>
<tr><th colspan="2">Canberra</th></tr>
<td>Perl Security</td><td>12th November 2004</td>
Places can be booked on these courses from our <a
href="http://www.perltraining.com.au/bookings.html">bookings page</a>.
<h2>Course Descriptions</h2>
<h3>Advanced Object Oriented Perl by Dr Damian Conway</h3>
This course starts with how and when to bless arrays and scalars
(rather than just hashes), and ends with how to use multiple
dispatch. Further information can be found at <a
<h3>Text Processing with Perl by Dr Damian Conway</h3>
This course was originally titled <b>Data Munging with Perl</b>.
This course expands your knowledge of regular expressions and
finishes with how to extract, process and generate simple natural
language data. Further information can be found at <a
<h3>Perl Security</h3>
This is our newest developed course and covers how
to program securely in Perl. It includes taint checking, the
multi-argument versions of system, exec and open, safe temporary
files and much more. Perl Security is focused on a Unix
environment but includes information relevant to all operating
systems. Further information can be found at <a
<h3>Database Programming with Perl</h3>
This course covers how to use Perl to talk
to simple databases such as configuration files, DBM files and
relational databases. It covers how to use DBI, transactions and
exception handling, and discusses extensions to DBI such as
DBD::Proxy which allows encryption and authentication for remote
connections. Further information can be found at <a
<h3>Introduction to Perl and Intermediate Perl</h3>
Our popular
introductory courses. They are hands-on courses with plenty
of time devoted to practising the concepts covers. These two courses
combined cover everything you need to get from being a Perl novice to
coding up quite complex Perl applications and course content is
applicable to Unix, Unix-like, Macintosh and MS Windows
environments. Further information can be found at <a
to Perl</a> and <a
Group booking discounts apply for bookings of 3 or more people on the
same course. The group booking discounts can be found on our
<a href="http://www.perltraining.com.au/bookings.html">bookings
<h2>Early Bird Specials</h2>
If you book and pay by the appropriate <b>early bird special
date</b>, you will be entitled to one free Perl book (of your
choice) per person, per course booking. You can see the
available books on our <a
href="http://www.perltraining.com.au/books.html">books page</a>.
These courses are run as a first-come first-served basis. Places are
limited so early booking is recommended.
<h2>Just for you</h2>
As a further incentive to spread the word about these courses, we
will give <b>you</b> one free Perl book (up to the value of $80 RRP)
for every person who books on our course and mentions your name
(one name per course booking). That means an average booking of
2 people from an organisation on both introductory courses gains
your organisation <b>4</b> books and gives <b>you</b> 4 books as
<h2>Open Source Developers' Conference</h2>
Perl Training Australia is delighted to invite you to participate
in the Open Source Developers' Conference taking place in
Melbourne on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of December 2004. This
conference has a huge Perl focus and will cover everything from
using templates in Perl through to using Perl to talk to
hardware. PHP, Python and other open source technologies will
also be discussed.
Dr Damian Conway will be opening and closing the conference with
keynote speeches that will cover Perl 6 (OO Made Insanely Great)
and module designs and interfaces which make Perl a "sufficiently
advanced technology". Come along and experience first hand, why
it is that everyone wants to hear Dr Damian Conway teach.
Further information can be found on the <a
href="http://www.osdc.com.au">conference website</a>.
We look forward to seeing you on our courses.
All the very best,
Jacinta Richardson
("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._ | Jacinta Richardson |
`6_ 6 ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`) | Perl Training Australia |
(_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-' | +61 3 9354 6001 |
_..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,' | contact@perltraining.com.au |
(il),-'' (li),' ((!.-' | www.perltraining.com.au |