[Brisbane-pm] Consolidate to a single Aussie PM group?

Dean Hamstead dean at fragfest.com.au
Sun Jun 20 12:30:23 PDT 2021

Hello Brisbane Perl Mongers,

I would like to propose that the Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, and Sydney 
Perl Monger groups consolidate in to a single group.

The outcome would be something like a single australia AT pm dot org 
list and australia dot pm dot org page. Ideally Facebook pages/groups 
would be consolidated also. (There is already a single #australia on irc 
dot perl dot org with a few lurkers and occasional chats)

The goal is to improve critical mass by bringing everyone together, and 
to improve visibility of any meet ups that do occur around Australia in 
additional to potentially organizing virtual national PM meets.

Hopefully peoples thoughts will be either "yeah lets do it, makes sense" 
or "i don't care do whatever". In which case we can move forward.

Kind Regards

Dean Hamstead
Sydney PM

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