[BNE-PM] group admin

Gordon Fletcher G.Fletcher at mailbox.gu.edu.au
Mon Aug 12 03:45:13 CDT 2002


I realise things have been quite quiet on the list of recent times so this
posting might excite some interest / attention.

As the group has always been fairly informal this might be a tricky
process but I am sorry to say that I am no longer able to make the small
contribution that I currently make administering the list. As I am now in
Manchester(UK) it seems that someone a little more local should take up
the role. 

I suppose nominations and a show of virtual hands would be best (the group
is quite large now - around 25 if I am guessing correctly). I know there
are some motivated people out there and it would be good to get some
meetings and social events going - easy for me to say from the other side
of the world! 

So... the floor is open. Do you want to create a more formal structure? I
can assist with that. Or does someone want to simply take on the role of a
list admin.

Opinions? Discussion?


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