[BNE-PM] The Open Source Retreat (fwd)

Gordon Fletcher G.Fletcher at mailbox.gu.edu.au
Thu Jun 15 02:10:59 CDT 2000

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 16:42:59 +1000
From: Nat James <nat at netizen.com.au>

Netizen launches the Open Source Retreat

Netizen, a Melbourne-based IT consultancy specialising in Open Source
software, announced today that it will host a conference for the Open
Source community in Eildon in rural Victoria from the 20th to the
22nd of October. It will be a low cost weekend with special prices for
students as a way of encouraging participation from all areas of the
Open Source community.

The Open Source Retreat is a community oriented conference which
will provide developers and systems administrators a chance to work
through common problems and to discuss Open Source issues.

"We are hoping it will be a relaxed informal weekend, with plenty of
opportunities for BOFS, network games and catching up with other

For more information please contact:
retreat at netizen.com.au
: http://retreat.netizen.com.au/
or phone: 9614 0949
Natalie James      Sales and Publicity        http://netizen.com.au
Internet and Open Source Development, Consulting and Training.
Level 13, 500 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: +61 3 9614 0949

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