[boulder.pm] activity on this list

Walter Pienciak walter at frii.com
Fri Jan 21 10:17:17 CST 2000

This has been a lot of help to me personally so far, both
Wayde's brief on typical activity on this kind of mailing list
and everyone's comments on Perl and life and what they're
hoping for.  I hope everyone else continues to send in a note to
this thread to help us figure things out.

I'm fighting a cold right now, but next week I think I'll look
at all the comments on time and day, and come up with a meeting
date (and place).

And now for something completely Perl:

When Perl style comes up, it usually is quickly apparent how
many ways Perl lets you hang yourself^W^Wdo things.

Here's a simple program that waffles on output:

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w

    use strict;

    my @opinions = ( "yes", "no" );
    my $baz = $opinions[ rand @opinions ];

    if ( $baz eq "yes" ) {
        print "foo\n";
    } else {
        print "bar\n";

I'm wondering how many reasonably different ways the logic expressed in
the if/else code could have been written.

    $baz eq "yes" ? print "foo\n" : print "bar\n";

Any others?


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