concating files together

Andrew Wilson andrew at
Fri May 23 10:32:06 CDT 2003

On Fri, May 23, 2003 at 04:09:24PM +0100, Boyle Bernadette wrote:
> Andrew,
> I was using it in my perl script as exec `more /var/log/maillog* >
> /tmp/output` but would have preferred to use Perl syntax.  Your suggestion
> is very cool!!

>   perl -p -e'' /var/log/maillog* > /tmp/output

In a script, I wouldn't do that.  The @ARGV array in perl is special, it
holds the command line arguments.  when you use the -p option, perl
treats each entry as a filename, it opens each in turn, gives you one
line at a time then moves to the next file.  In a perl script, you can
use <> to get the same special behaviour, so you can do.

while (<>) {

And get a similar effect to the -p option.  You can set the @ARGV array
at any point, so you could do:

  @ARGV = qw{file1 file2 file3};
  while (<>) {

But that destroys @ARGV.  You can avoid that problem by localising

  local @ARGV = qw{file1 file2 file3};
  while (<>) {

And since you know what output file you want (lets say you assign it to
$maillog) then you can do:

my $maillog = '/tmp/maillog';

  open LOG, $maillog or die "Can't open $maillog $!";
  local @ARGV = qw{file1 file2 file3};
  while (<>) {
    print OUT $_;

The only remaining problem is that the list of files you're going to
concat is fixed.  You can get a list that changes like the /log/maillog*
in your original example using the glob function.

my $maillog = '/tmp/maillog';

  open LOG, $maillog or die "Can't open $maillog $!";
  local @ARGV = glob('/log/maillog*');
  while (<>) {
    print OUT $_;

Hope that helps.

Virgo: (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
If there's one thing you should try to learn from next week's events,
it's the precise melting point of aluminium.

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