Boggle results summary

Andrew Wilson andrew at
Fri Feb 7 20:58:28 CST 2003

On Fri, Feb 07, 2003 at 11:39:32AM +0000, Andrew Wilson wrote:
> Yeah, yeah, yeah.  I forgot about words that end in q.  Using /q[^u]/i
> instead of /q[^u]|q$/i.
> Expletive!

Actually it wasn't the regex (although it was wrong too) I forgot to add
an entry to the hash to tell it that when looking for the first letter,
it should look in square 0.  So it was only examining 15 squares
instead of 16.  My solution worked back from the end of the word, so if
if the word finished in square 0 my entry didn't find it. 

Cancer: (June 22 - July 22)
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