Boggle results

Jasper McCrea jasper at
Fri Feb 7 10:07:10 CST 2003

Marty Pauley wrote:
> I considered 9 entries from 5 different people:
> Acme/Leon, Andrew (2), Jasper (4), Simon, and Tony.
> One of Andrew's programs was a module and script combo, so it probably
> broke the rules as it wouldn't run out-of-the-box.  His second entry was
> just a script, but it used Data::Denter (for nothing) so it also
> wouldn't run without a good kick.
> Tony's entry produced no output at all, so it was disqualified.
> It looked like a cut'n'paste error, so I fixed it.  It would have won.
> I ran all the scripts against 2 test sets.  I also included my own
> solution in the tests for comparison.

> ==== Testing
> real    0m16.449s
> user    0m15.740s
> sys     0m0.090s
> real    0m20.819s
> user    0m20.080s
> sys     0m0.070s
> ====

> ==== Testing
> real    0m9.993s
> user    0m9.720s
> sys     0m0.050s
> real    0m11.165s
> user    0m10.780s
> sys     0m0.060s
> ====

why tony no win? his appears to have been twice as fast. 

And 20 seconds?!? If I'd known the tests were that long, I'd have tried to write
some memory in...

Damn you, brocolli! - Stewie Griffin

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